Source code for pastas.model

#  This module contains the Model class in Pastas.

# Python Dependencies
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations
from logging import getLogger
from os import getlogin

# Type Hinting
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

# External Dependencies
import numpy as np
from pandas import (

# Internal Pastas
from pastas.decorators import (
from import _load_model, dump
from pastas.modelstats import Statistics
from pastas.plotting.modelplots import Plotting, _table_formatter_stderr
from pastas.rfunc import HantushWellModel
from pastas.solver import LeastSquares
from pastas.stressmodels import Constant
from pastas.timeseries import TimeSeries
from pastas.timeseries_utils import (
from pastas.transform import ThresholdTransform
from pastas.typing import ArrayLike, Solver, StressModel, TimestampType
from pastas.typing import Model as ModelType
from pastas.typing import NoiseModel as NoiseModelType
from pastas.utils import validate_name
from pastas.version import __version__

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Model: """Class that initiates a Pastas time series model. Parameters ---------- oseries: pandas.Series pandas.Series object containing the dependent time series. The observation can be non-equidistant. constant: bool, optional Add a constant to the model (Default=True). noisemodel: bool, optional The noisemodel argument is deprecated and will be removed in Pastas version 2.0.0. To add a noisemodel, use ml.add_noisemodel(n), where is an instance of a noisemodel (e.g., n = ps.ArNoiseModel()). The use of the noisemodel argument will raise a ValueError. name: str, optional String with the name of the model, used in plotting and saving. metadata: dict, optional Dictionary containing metadata of the oseries, passed on to the oseries when creating a pastas TimeSeries object. hence, ml.oseries.metadata will give you the metadata. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". Default is "D". New in 0.18.0. Returns ------- ml: pastas.model.Model Pastas Model instance, the base object in Pastas. Examples -------- A minimal working example of the Model class is shown below: >>> oseries = pd.Series([1,2,1], index=pd.to_datetime(range(3), unit="D")) >>> ml = Model(oseries) """ _accessors = set()
[docs] def __init__( self, oseries: Series, constant: bool = True, noisemodel=None, # will be removed in version 2.0.0 name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, freq: str = "D", ) -> None: # Construct the different model components self.oseries = TimeSeries(oseries, settings="oseries", metadata=metadata) if name is None and is not None: name = elif name is None and is None: name = "Observations" = validate_name(name) self.parameters = DataFrame( columns=[ "initial", "name", "optimal", "pmin", "pmax", "vary", "stderr", "dist", ] ) # Define the model components self.stressmodels = OrderedDict() self.constant = None self.transform = None self.noisemodel = None # Default solve/simulation settings self.settings = { "tmin": None, "tmax": None, "freq": freq, "warmup": Timedelta(3650, "D"), "time_offset": Timedelta(0), "noise": False, "solver": None, "fit_constant": True, "freq_obs": None, } if constant: constant = Constant(initial=self.oseries.series.mean(), name="constant") self.add_constant(constant) if noisemodel is not None: if noisemodel is True: msg = ( "The new default is that no noisemodel is added " "anymore and a noisemodel has to be added explicitly to a Pastas " "model by the user. To fix this error, do not pass a " "noisemodel keyword to Model and use `ml.add_noisemodel`, if a " "noisemodel is desired. See this issue on GitHub for more " "information:" ) deprecate_args_or_kwargs( "noisemodel", "2.0.0", reason=msg, force_raise=True ) elif noisemodel is False: msg = ( "The new default is that no noisemodel is added " "anymore, so passing noisemodel=False is not needed anymore. To " "fix this error, do not pass noisemodel=False to Model." ) deprecate_args_or_kwargs( "noisemodel", "2.0.0", reason=msg, force_raise=True ) # File Information self.file_info = self._get_file_info() # initialize some attributes for solving and simulation self.sim_index = None self.oseries_calib = None self.interpolate_simulation = None self.normalize_residuals = False self.solver = None self._solve_success = False # Load other modules self.stats = Statistics(self) self.plots = Plotting(self) self.plot = self.plots.plot # because we are lazy
def __repr__(self): """Prints a simple string representation of the model.""" template = ( "{cls}(oseries={os}, name={name}, constant={const}, noisemodel={noise})" ) return template.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__,,, const=True if self.constant else False, noise=True if self.noisemodel else False, )
[docs] def add_stressmodel( self, stressmodel: Union[StressModel, List[StressModel]], replace: bool = True ) -> None: """Add a stressmodel to the main model. Parameters ---------- stressmodel: pastas.stressmodel or list of pastas.stressmodel instance of a pastas.stressmodel class. Multiple stress models can be provided (e.g., ml.add_stressmodel([sm1, sm2]) in one call. replace: bool, optional force replace the stressmodel if a stressmodel with the same name already exists. Not recommended but useful at times. Default is True. Notes ----- To obtain a list of the stressmodel names, type: >>> ml.get_stressmodel_names() Examples -------- >>> sm = ps.StressModel(stress, rfunc=ps.Gamma(), name="stress") >>> ml.add_stressmodel(sm) To add multiple stress models at once you can do the following: >>> sm1 = ps.StressModel(stress, rfunc=ps.Gamma(), name="stress1") >>> sm2 = ps.StressModel(stress, rfunc=ps.Gamma(), name="stress2") >>> ml.add_stressmodel([sm1, sm2]) See Also -------- pastas.stressmodels """ # Method can take multiple stressmodels at once through args if isinstance(stressmodel, list): for sm in stressmodel: self.add_stressmodel(sm) elif ( in self.stressmodels.keys()) and not replace: msg = ( "The name for the stressmodel you are trying to add already exists " "for this model. Select another name." ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: if in self.stressmodels.keys(): logger.warning( "The name for the stressmodel you are trying to add already " "exists for this model. The stressmodel is replaced." ) self.stressmodels[] = stressmodel self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False) stressmodel.update_stress(freq=self.settings["freq"]) # Check if stress overlaps with oseries, if not give a warning if (stressmodel.tmin > self.oseries.series.index.max()) or ( stressmodel.tmax < self.oseries.series.index.min() ): logger.warning( "The stress of the stressmodel has no overlap with ml.oseries." ) self._check_stressmodel_compatibility()
[docs] def add_constant(self, constant: Constant) -> None: """Add a Constant to the time series Model. Parameters ---------- constant: pastas.stressmodels.Constant Pastas constant instance. Examples -------- >>> d = ps.Constant() >>> ml.add_constant(d) """ self.constant = constant self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False) self._check_stressmodel_compatibility()
[docs] def add_transform(self, transform: ThresholdTransform): """Add a Transform to the time series Model. Parameters ---------- transform: ps.ThresholdTransform An instance of a pastas.transform class. Examples -------- >>> tt = ps.ThresholdTransform() >>> ml.add_transform(tt) See Also -------- pastas.transform """ transform.set_model(self) self.transform = transform self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False) self._check_stressmodel_compatibility()
[docs] def add_noisemodel(self, noisemodel: NoiseModelType) -> None: """Adds a noisemodel to the time series Model. Parameters ---------- noisemodel: pastas.noisemodels.NoiseModelBase Instance of NoiseModelBase. Examples -------- >>> n = ps.ArNoiseModel() >>> ml.add_noisemodel(n) Notes ----- As of Pastas version 1.5.0, a noisemodel should be added to the model using this method, and is not added by default anymore when constructing as Pastas Model. If a noisemodel is present, it will always be used during optimization. """ self.noisemodel = noisemodel self.noisemodel.set_init_parameters(oseries=self.oseries.series) # check whether noise_alpha is not smaller than ml.settings["freq"] freq_in_days = _get_dt(self.settings["freq"]) noise_alpha = self.noisemodel.parameters.initial.iat[0] if freq_in_days > noise_alpha: self.noisemodel._set_initial("noise_alpha", freq_in_days) self.settings["noise"] = True self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False)
[docs] @get_stressmodel def del_stressmodel(self, name: str): """Method to safely delete a stress model from the Model. Parameters ---------- name: str string with the name of the stressmodel object. Notes ----- To obtain a list of the stressmodel names type: >>> ml.get_stressmodel_names() """ self.stressmodels.pop(name, None) self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False)
[docs] def del_constant(self) -> None: """Method to safely delete the Constant from the Model.""" if self.constant is None: logger.warning("No constant is present in this model.") else: self.constant = None self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False)
[docs] def del_transform(self) -> None: """Method to safely delete the transform from the Model.""" if self.transform is None: logger.warning("No transform is present in this model.") else: self.transform = None self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False)
[docs] def del_noisemodel(self) -> None: """Method to safely delete the noise model from the Model.""" if self.noisemodel is None: logger.warning("No noisemodel is present in this model.") else: self.noisemodel = None self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(initial=False) self.settings["noise"] = False
[docs] def simulate( self, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, return_warmup: bool = False, ) -> Series: """Method to simulate the time series model. Parameters ---------- p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float, optional Warmup period (in Days). return_warmup: bool, optional Return the simulation including the warmup period or not, default is False. Returns ------- sim: pandas.Series pandas.Series containing the simulated time series Notes ----- This method can be used without any parameters. When the model is solved, the optimal parameters values are used and if not, the initial parameter values are used. This allows the user to get an idea of how the simulation looks with only the initial parameters and no calibration. """ # Default options when tmin, tmax, freq and warmup are not provided. if tmin is None and self.settings["tmin"]: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] else: tmin = self.get_tmin(tmin, use_oseries=False, use_stresses=True) if tmax is None and self.settings["tmax"]: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] else: tmax = self.get_tmax(tmax, use_oseries=False, use_stresses=True) if freq is None: freq = self.settings["freq"] if warmup is None: warmup = self.settings["warmup"] elif not isinstance(warmup, Timedelta): warmup = Timedelta(warmup, "D") # Get the simulation index and the time step sim_index = self._get_sim_index(tmin, tmax, freq, warmup) dt = _get_dt(freq) # Get parameters if none are provided if p is None: p = self.get_parameters() sim = Series(data=np.zeros(sim_index.size, dtype=float), index=sim_index) istart = 0 # Track parameters index to pass to stressmodel object for sm in self.stressmodels.values(): contrib = sm.simulate( p[istart : istart + sm.nparam], sim_index.min(), tmax, freq, dt ) sim = sim.add(contrib) istart += sm.nparam if self.constant: sim = sim + self.constant.simulate(p[istart]) istart += 1 if self.transform: sim = self.transform.simulate( sim, p[istart : istart + self.transform.nparam] ) # Respect provided tmin/tmax at this point, since warmup matters for # simulation but should not be returned, unless return_warmup=True. if not return_warmup: sim = sim.loc[tmin:tmax] if sim.hasnans: msg = ( "Simulation contains NaN-values. Check if time series settings " "are provided for each stress model " "(e.g. `ps.StressModel(stress, settings='prec')`!" ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) = "Simulation" return sim
[docs] def residuals( self, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Series: """Method to calculate the residual series. Parameters ---------- p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float, optional Warmup period (in Days). Returns ------- res: pandas.Series pandas.Series with the residuals. """ # Default options when tmin, tmax, freq and warmup are not provided. if tmin is None: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] if tmax is None: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] if freq is None: freq = self.settings["freq"] if self.settings["freq_obs"] is None: freq_obs = freq else: freq_obs = self.settings["freq_obs"] # simulate model sim = self.simulate(p, tmin, tmax, freq, warmup, return_warmup=False) # Get the oseries calibration series oseries_calib = self.observations(tmin, tmax, freq_obs) # Get simulation at the correct indices if self.interpolate_simulation is None: if oseries_calib.index.difference(sim.index).size != 0: self.interpolate_simulation = True "There are observations between the simulation time steps. Linear " "interpolation between simulated values is used." ) if self.interpolate_simulation: # interpolate simulation to times of observations sim_interpolated = np.interp( oseries_calib.index.asi8, sim.index.asi8, sim.values ) else: # All the observation indexes are in the simulation sim_interpolated = sim.reindex(oseries_calib.index) # Calculate the actual residuals here res = oseries_calib.subtract(sim_interpolated) if res.hasnans: res = res.dropna() logger.warning("Nan-values were removed from the residuals.") if self.normalize_residuals: res = res.subtract(res.values.mean()) = "Residuals" return res
[docs] def noise( self, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Union[Series, None]: """Method to simulate the noise when a noisemodel is present. Parameters ---------- p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float or int, optional Warmup period (in Days). Returns ------- noise : pandas.Series or None Pandas series of the noise. None if no noise model is present. Notes ----- The noise are the time series that result when applying a noise model. .. Note:: The noise is sometimes also referred to as the innovations in the literature. Warnings -------- This method returns None if no noise model is present in the model. """ if self.noisemodel is None or self.settings["noise"] is False: logger.warning( "Noise cannot be calculated if there is no noisemodel present or is " "not used during parameter estimation." ) return None # Get parameters if none are provided if p is None: p = self.get_parameters() # Calculate the residuals res = self.residuals(p, tmin, tmax, freq, warmup) p = p[-self.noisemodel.nparam :] # Calculate the noise noise = self.noisemodel.simulate(res, p) return noise
[docs] def noise_weights( self, p: Optional[list] = None, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, ) -> ArrayLike: """Internal method to calculate the noise weights.""" # Get parameters if none are provided if p is None: p = self.get_parameters() # Calculate the residuals res = self.residuals(p, tmin, tmax, freq, warmup) # Calculate the weights weights = self.noisemodel.weights(res, p[-self.noisemodel.nparam :]) return weights
[docs] def observations( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, update_observations: bool = False, ) -> Series: """Method that returns the observations series used for calibration. Parameters ---------- tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". update_observations: bool, optional If True, force recalculation of the observations, default is False. Returns ------- oseries_calib: pandas.Series pandas series of the oseries used for calibration of the model. Notes ----- This method makes sure the simulation is compared to the nearest observation. It finds the index closest to sim_index, and then returns a selection of the oseries. In the `residuals` method, the simulation is interpolated to the observation-timestamps. """ if tmin is None and self.settings["tmin"]: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] else: tmin = self.get_tmin(tmin, use_oseries=False, use_stresses=True) if tmax is None and self.settings["tmax"]: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] else: tmax = self.get_tmax(tmax, use_oseries=False, use_stresses=True) if freq is None: if self.settings["freq_obs"] is None: freq = self.settings["freq"] else: freq = self.settings["freq_obs"] for key, setting in zip([tmin, tmax, freq], ["tmin", "tmax", "freq"]): if key != self.settings[setting]: update_observations = True if self.oseries_calib is None or update_observations: oseries_calib = self.oseries.series.loc[tmin:tmax] # sample measurements, so that frequency is not higher than model keep # the original timestamps, as they will be used during interpolation of # the simulation sim_index = self._get_sim_index(tmin, tmax, freq, self.settings["warmup"]) if not oseries_calib.empty: index = get_sample(oseries_calib.index, sim_index) oseries_calib = oseries_calib.loc[index] else: oseries_calib = self.oseries_calib return oseries_calib
[docs] def initialize( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, noise: Optional[bool] = None, weights: Optional[Series] = None, initial: bool = True, fit_constant: bool = True, freq_obs: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Method to initialize the model. This method is called by the solve-method, but can also be triggered manually. See the solve-method for a description of the arguments. """ if noise is not None: msg = ( "The new behavior is that a noise model will always be " "used if it is present. To add a noisemodel to a model called ml, " "use the ml.add_noisemodel method. To solve without a noisemodel, " "make sure sure no noisemodel is added or remove a noisemodel with " "ml.del_noisemodel() before solving. See this issue on GitHub for " "more information:" ) deprecate_args_or_kwargs("noise", "2.0.0", reason=msg, force_raise=True) # Set the settings self.settings["weights"] = weights self.settings["fit_constant"] = fit_constant self.settings["freq_obs"] = freq_obs # Set the frequency & warmup if freq: self.settings["freq"] = _frequency_is_supported(freq) if warmup is not None: self.settings["warmup"] = Timedelta(warmup, "D") # Set time offset from the frequency and the series in the stressmodels self.settings["time_offset"] = self._get_time_offset(self.settings["freq"]) # Set tmin and tmax self.settings["tmin"] = self.get_tmin(tmin) self.settings["tmax"] = self.get_tmax(tmax) # make sure calibration data is renewed self.sim_index = self._get_sim_index( self.settings["tmin"], self.settings["tmax"], self.settings["freq"], self.settings["warmup"], update_sim_index=True, ) # self.observations get tmin, tmax, freq, and freq_obs from self.settings self.oseries_calib = self.observations(update_observations=True) self.interpolate_simulation = None # Initialize parameters self.parameters = self.get_init_parameters(noise, initial) # Prepare model if not fitting the constant as a parameter if self.settings["fit_constant"] is False: if self.transform is not None: msg = "fit_constant needs to be True (for now) when a transform is used" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)["constant_d", "vary"] = False["constant_d", "initial"] = 0.0 self.normalize_residuals = True
[docs] def add_solver(self, solver: Solver) -> None: """Method to add a solver to the model. Parameters ---------- solver: pastas.solver.Solver Instance of a pastas Solver class used to solve the model. Options are: ps.LeastSquares(), ps.LmfitSolve() or ps.EmceeSolve(). An instance (e.g. ps.LeastSquares()) is needed as of Pastas 0.23, not a class (e.g. ps.LeastSquares)! See Also -------- pastas.solver Different solver objects are available to estimate parameters. """ self.solver = solver if not hasattr(self.solver, "ml") or is None: self.solver.set_model(self) self.settings["solver"] = self.solver._name
[docs] def solve( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, noise=None, # will be removed in version 2.0.0 solver: Optional[Solver] = None, report: bool = True, initial: bool = True, weights: Optional[Series] = None, fit_constant: bool = True, freq_obs: Optional[str] = None, initialize: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Method to solve the time series model. Parameters ---------- tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float, optional Warmup period (in Days) for which the simulation is calculated, but not used for the calibration period. noise: bool, optional This argument is deprecated and will be removed in Pastas version 2.0.0. To solve using a noisemodel (i.e. noise=True), add a noisemodel to the model using ml.add_noisemodel(n), where n is an instance of a noisemodel (e.g., n = ps.ArNoiseModel()). To solve without a noisemodel (noise=False), remove the noisemodel first (if present) using ml.del_noisemodel(). solver: Class pastas.solver.Solver, optional Instance of a pastas Solver class used to solve the model. Options are: ps.LeastSquares() (default) or ps.LmfitSolve(). An instance is needed as of Pastas 0.23, not a class! report: bool, optional Print a report to the screen after optimization finished. This can also be manually triggered after optimization by calling print(ml.fit_report( )) on the Pastas model instance. initial: bool, optional Reset initial parameters from the individual stress models. Default is True. If False, the optimal values from an earlier optimization are used. weights: pandas.Series, optional Pandas Series with values by which the residuals are multiplied, index-based. Must have the same indices as the oseries. fit_constant: bool, optional Argument that determines if the constant is fitted as a parameter. If it is set to False, the constant is set equal to the mean of the residuals. freq_obs: str, optional String with the frequency of the observations that the model will be calibrated on. Must be one of the following (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". Should generally be larger than the frequency of the original observations and the model frequency (freq). If freq_obs is not set, the frequency of the model (freq) will be used. initialize: bool, optional If True, the model is initialized via the Model.initialize() method (setting certain model settings) before solving. If False, the model is not initialized before solving. Note that the latter is an advanced option since some model settings can be missing. Default is True. **kwargs: dict, optional All keyword arguments will be passed onto minimization method from the solver. It depends on the solver used which arguments can be used. Notes ----- - The solver instance including some results are stored as ml.solver. From here one can access the covariance (ml.solver.pcov) and correlation matrix ( ml.solver.pcor). - Each solver returns a number of results after optimization. These solver specific results are stored in ml.solver.result and can be accessed from there. See Also -------- pastas.solver Different solver objects are available to estimate parameters. """ if noise is not None: if noise is True: msg = ( "To solve using a noisemodel, add a noisemodel to a " "model called ml using ml.add_noisemodel(n), where n is an instance " "of a noisemodel (e.g., n = ps.ArNoiseModel()). See this issue on " "GitHub for more information: " "" ) deprecate_args_or_kwargs("noise", "2.0.0", reason=msg, force_raise=True) elif noise is False: msg = ( "To solve without a noisemodel, remove the noisemodel " "(if present) from a model using ml.del_noisemodel() before " "solving. See this issue on GitHub for more information: " "" ) deprecate_args_or_kwargs("noise", "2.0.0", reason=msg, force_raise=True) if initialize: self.initialize( tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, freq=freq, warmup=warmup, weights=weights, initial=initial, fit_constant=fit_constant, freq_obs=freq_obs, ) if self.oseries_calib.empty: msg = "Calibration series 'oseries_calib' is empty! Check 'tmin' or 'tmax'." logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # Create the default solver if None is provided or already present solver = LeastSquares() if solver is None else solver if self.solver is None: self.add_solver(solver=solver) elif self.solver._name != solver._name: "Replacing original solver `%s` with new solver `%s`." % (self.solver._name, solver._name) ) self.add_solver(solver=solver) # Solve model success, optimal, stderr = self.solver.solve( noise=self.settings["noise"], weights=weights, **kwargs ) if not success: logger.warning("Model parameters could not be estimated well.") if self.settings["fit_constant"] is False: # Determine the residuals and set the constant to their mean self.normalize_residuals = False res = self.residuals(optimal).mean() optimal[ ==] = res self.parameters.optimal = optimal self.parameters.stderr = stderr self._solve_success = success # store for fit_report if report: if isinstance(report, str) and report == "full": print(self.fit_report(corr=True, stderr=True)) else: print(self.fit_report())
@property @PastasDeprecationWarning(remove_version="2.0.0", reason="Use 'ml.solver' instead.") def fit(self): """Deprecated attribute, use ml.solver instead.""" msg = ( "Attribute 'fit' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Use 'solver' instead." ) logger.warning(msg) return self.solver
[docs] def set_parameter( self, name: str, initial: Optional[float] = None, vary: Optional[bool] = None, pmin: Optional[float] = None, pmax: Optional[float] = None, optimal: Optional[float] = None, dist: Optional[str] = None, move_bounds: bool = False, ) -> None: """Method to change the parameter properties. Parameters ---------- name: str name of the parameter to update. This has to be a single variable. initial: float, optional parameters value to use as initial estimate. vary: bool, optional boolean to vary a parameter (True) or not (False). pmin: float, optional minimum value for the parameter. pmax: float, optional maximum value for the parameter. optimal: float, optional optimal value for the parameter. dist: str, optional Distribution of the parameters. move_bounds: bool, optional Reset pmin/pmax based on new initial value. Of move_bounds=True, pmin and pmax must be None. Examples -------- >>> ml.set_parameter(name="constant_d", initial=10, vary=True, >>> pmin=-10, pmax=20) Notes ----- It is highly recommended to use this method to set parameter properties. Changing the parameter properties directly in the parameter `DataFrame` may not work as expected. """ if name not in self.parameters.index: msg = "parameter %s is not present in the model" logger.error(msg, name) raise KeyError(msg % name) # Because either of the following is not necessarily present noisemodel = if self.noisemodel else "NotPresent" constant = if self.constant else "NotPresent" transform = if self.transform else "NotPresent" # Get the model component for the parameter cat =[name, "name"] if cat in self.stressmodels.keys(): obj = self.stressmodels[cat] elif cat == noisemodel: obj = self.noisemodel elif cat == constant: obj = self.constant elif cat == transform: obj = self.transform # Move pmin and pmax based on the initial if move_bounds and initial: if pmin or pmax: msg = "Either pmin/pmax or move_bounds must be provided, but not both." logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) factor = initial /[name, "initial"] pmin =[name, "pmin"] * factor pmax =[name, "pmax"] * factor # Set the parameter properties if initial is not None: obj._set_initial(name, initial)[name, "initial"] = initial if vary is not None: obj._set_vary(name, vary)[name, "vary"] = bool(vary) if pmin is not None: obj._set_pmin(name, pmin)[name, "pmin"] = pmin if pmax is not None: obj._set_pmax(name, pmax)[name, "pmax"] = pmax if dist is not None: obj._set_dist(name, dist)[name, "dist"] = dist if optimal is not None:[name, "optimal"] = optimal
def _get_time_offset(self, freq: str) -> Timedelta: """Internal method to get the time offsets from the stressmodels. Parameters ---------- freq: str string with the frequency used for simulation. Notes ----- Method to check if the StressModel timestamps match (e.g. similar hours). """ time_offsets = set() for stressmodel in self.stressmodels.values(): for st in stressmodel.stress: if st.freq_original: # calculate the offset from the default frequency t = st.series_original.index base = t.min().ceil(freq) mask = t >= base if np.any(mask): time_offsets.add(_get_time_offset(t[mask][0], freq)) if len(time_offsets) > 1: msg = "The time-offset with the frequency is not the same for all stresses." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) if len(time_offsets) == 1: return next(iter(time_offsets)) else: return Timedelta(0) def _get_sim_index( self, tmin: Timestamp, tmax: Timestamp, freq: str, warmup: Timedelta, update_sim_index: bool = False, ) -> DatetimeIndex: """Internal method to get the simulation index, including the warmup. Parameters ---------- tmin: pandas.Timestamp String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: pandas.Timestamp String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: pandas.Timedelta Warmup period (in Days). update_sim_index : bool, optional if True, force recalculation of sim_index, default is False Returns ------- sim_index: pandas.DatetimeIndex Pandas DatetimeIndex instance with the datetimes values for which the model is simulated. """ # Check if any of the settings are updated for key, setting in zip( [tmin, tmax, freq, warmup], ["tmin", "tmax", "freq", "warmup"] ): if key != self.settings[setting]: update_sim_index = True break if self.sim_index is None or update_sim_index: # TODO: sort out what to do for freq > "D" tmin = (tmin - warmup).floor(freq) + self.settings["time_offset"] # tmin = (tmin - warmup) + self.settings["time_offset"] sim_index = date_range(tmin, tmax, freq=freq) else: sim_index = self.sim_index return sim_index
[docs] def get_tmin( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, use_oseries: bool = True, use_stresses: bool = False, ) -> Timestamp: """Method that checks and returns valid values for tmin. Parameters ---------- tmin: str or pandas.Timestamp, optional string with a year or date that can be turned into a pandas Timestamp ( e.g. pd.Timestamp(tmin)). use_oseries: bool, optional Obtain the tmin and tmax from the oseries. Default is True. use_stresses: bool, optional Obtain the tmin and tmax from the stresses. The minimum/maximum time from all stresses is taken. Returns ------- tmin: pandas.Timestamp returns pandas timestamps for tmin. Notes ----- The parameters tmin and tmax are leading, unless use_oseries is True, then these are checked against the oseries index. The tmin and tmax are checked and returned according to the following rules: A. If no value for tmin is provided: 1. If the use_oseries argument is True, tmin is based on the oseries. 2. If the use_stresses argument is True, tmin is based on the stressmodels. B. If a values for tmin is provided: 1. A pandas timestamp is made from the string 2. If the use_oseries argument is True, tmin is checked against oseries. """ # Get tmin from the oseries if use_oseries: ts_tmin = self.oseries.series.index.min() # Get tmin from the stressmodels elif use_stresses: ts_tmin = Timestamp.max for stressmodel in self.stressmodels.values(): if stressmodel.tmin < ts_tmin: ts_tmin = stressmodel.tmin # Get tmin and tmax from user provided values else: ts_tmin = Timestamp(tmin) # Set tmin properly if tmin is not None and use_oseries: tmin = max(Timestamp(tmin), ts_tmin) elif tmin is not None: tmin = Timestamp(tmin) else: tmin = ts_tmin return tmin
[docs] def get_tmax( self, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, use_oseries: bool = True, use_stresses: bool = False, ) -> Timestamp: """Method that checks and returns valid values for tmax. Parameters ---------- tmax: str or pandas.Timestamp, optional string with a year or date that can be turned into a pandas Timestamp ( e.g. pd.Timestamp(tmax)). use_oseries: bool, optional Obtain the tmin and tmax from the oseries. Default is True. use_stresses: bool, optional Obtain the tmin and tmax from the stresses. The minimum/maximum time from all stresses is taken. Returns ------- tmax: pandas.Timestamp returns pandas timestamps for tmax. Notes ----- The parameters tmin and tmax are leading, unless use_oseries is True, then these are checked against the oseries index. The tmin and tmax are checked and returned according to the following rules: A. If no value for tmax is provided: 1. If the use_oseries argument is True, tmax is based on the oseries. 2. If the use_stresses argument is True, tmax is based on the stressmodels. B. If a values for tmax is provided: 1. A pandas timestamp is made from the string. 2. if the use_oseries argument is True, tmax is checked against oseries. A detailed description of dealing with tmax and timesteps in general can be found in the developers section of the docs. """ # Get tmax from the oseries if use_oseries: ts_tmax = self.oseries.series.index.max() # Get tmax from the stressmodels elif use_stresses: ts_tmax = Timestamp.min for stressmodel in self.stressmodels.values(): if stressmodel.tmax > ts_tmax: ts_tmax = stressmodel.tmax # Get tmax from user provided values else: ts_tmax = Timestamp(tmax) # Set tmax properly if tmax is not None and use_oseries: tmax = min(Timestamp(tmax), ts_tmax) elif tmax is not None: tmax = Timestamp(tmax) else: tmax = ts_tmax return tmax
[docs] def get_init_parameters( self, noise: Optional[bool] = None, initial: bool = True ) -> DataFrame: """Method to get all initial parameters from the individual objects. Parameters ---------- noise: bool, optional Add the parameters for the noisemodel to the parameters Dataframe or not. initial: bool, optional True to get initial parameters, False to get optimized parameters. Returns ------- parameters: pandas.DataFrame pandas.Dataframe with the parameters. """ if noise is None: noise = self.settings["noise"] frames = [] for sm in self.stressmodels.values(): frames.append(sm.parameters) if self.constant: frames.append(self.constant.parameters) if self.transform: frames.append(self.transform.parameters) if self.noisemodel and noise: frames.append(self.noisemodel.parameters) if not frames: parameters = DataFrame(columns=self.parameters.columns) else: parameters = concat(frames) parameters = parameters.infer_objects() parameters["stderr"] = np.nan parameters["optimal"] = np.nan # Set initial parameters to optimal parameters from model if not initial: parameters.update({"initial": self.parameters.loc[:, "optimal"]}) parameters.update({"optimal": self.parameters.loc[:, "optimal"]}) parameters.update({"stderr": self.parameters.loc[:, "stderr"]}) return parameters
[docs] def get_parameters(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Method to obtain the parameters needed for calculation. This method is used by the simulation, residuals and the noise methods as well as other methods that need parameters values as arrays. Parameters ---------- name: str, optional string with the name of the pastas.stressmodel object. Returns ------- p : array_like NumPy array with the parameters used in the time series model. """ if name: p = self.parameters.loc[ == name] else: p = self.parameters if p.optimal.hasnans: logger.warning("Model is not optimized yet, initial parameters are used.") parameters = p.initial else: parameters = p.optimal return parameters.to_numpy(dtype=float)
[docs] def get_stressmodel_names(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of stressmodel names.""" return list(self.stressmodels.keys())
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_stressmodel_settings(self, name: str) -> Union[dict, None]: """Method to obtain the time series settings for a stress model. Parameters ---------- name: str, optional string with the name of the pastas.stressmodel object. Returns ------- dict or None Dictionary with the settings or "None" of no stress are present, e.g., for a step model that uses no stress. """ sm = self.stressmodels[name] settings = sm.get_settings() return settings
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_contribution( self, name: str, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, istress: Optional[int] = None, return_warmup: bool = False, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, ) -> Series: """Method to get the contribution of a stressmodel. Parameters ---------- name: str String with the name of the stressmodel. tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float or int, optional Warmup period (in Days). istress: int, optional When multiple stresses are present in a stressmodel, this keyword can be used to obtain the contribution of an individual stress. return_warmup: bool, optional Include warmup in contribution calculation or not. p : array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. Returns ------- contrib: pandas.Series Pandas.Series with the contribution. """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(name) if tmin is None: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] if tmax is None: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] if freq is None: freq = self.settings["freq"] if warmup is None: warmup = self.settings["warmup"] else: warmup = Timedelta(warmup, "D") # use warmup if tmin: tmin_warm = (Timestamp(tmin) - warmup).floor(freq) + self.settings[ "time_offset" ] else: tmin_warm = None dt = _get_dt(freq) kwargs = {"tmin": tmin_warm, "tmax": tmax, "freq": freq, "dt": dt} if istress is not None: kwargs["istress"] = istress contrib = self.stressmodels[name].simulate(p, **kwargs) # Respect provided tmin/tmax at this point, since warmup matters for # simulation but should not be returned, unless return_warmup=True. if not return_warmup: contrib = contrib.loc[tmin:tmax] return contrib
[docs] def get_contributions(self, split: bool = True, **kwargs) -> List[Series]: """Method to get contributions of all stressmodels. Parameters ---------- split: bool, optional Split the stresses in multiple stresses when possible. kwargs: any other arguments are passed to get_contribution Returns ------- contribs: list of pandas.Series a list of Pandas.Series of the contributions. See Also -------- pastas.model.Model.get_contribution This method is called to get the individual contributions, kwargs are passed on to this method. """ contribs = [] for name in self.stressmodels: nsplit = self.stressmodels[name].get_nsplit() if split and nsplit > 1: for istress in range(nsplit): contrib = self.get_contribution(name, istress=istress, **kwargs) contribs.append(contrib) else: contrib = self.get_contribution(name, **kwargs) contribs.append(contrib) return contribs
[docs] def get_transform_contribution( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None ) -> Series: """Method to get the contribution of a transform. Parameters ---------- tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. Returns ------- contrib: pandas.Series Pandas Series with the contribution. """ sim = self.simulate(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) # calculate what the simulation without the transform is ml = self.copy() ml.del_transform() sim_org = ml.simulate(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) return sim - sim_org
[docs] def get_output_series( self, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, add_contributions: bool = True, split: bool = True, ) -> DataFrame: """Method to get all the modeled output time series from the Model. Parameters ---------- tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. add_contributions: bool, optional Add the contributions from the different stresses or not.¬ split: bool, optional Passed on to ml.get_contributions. Split the contribution from recharge into evaporation and precipitation. See also ml.get_contributions. Returns ------- df: pandas.DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with the time series as columns and DatetimeIndex. Notes ----- Export the observed, simulated time series, the noise and residuals series, and the contributions from the different stressmodels. Examples -------- >>> df = ml.get_output_series(tmin="2000", tmax="2010") >>> df.to_csv("fname.csv") """ obs = self.observations(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) = "Head_Calibration" sim = self.simulate(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) res = self.residuals(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) noise = self.noise(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) df = [obs, sim, res, noise] if add_contributions: contribs = self.get_contributions(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, split=split) for contrib in contribs: df.append(contrib) df = concat(df, axis=1, sort=True) return df
def _get_response( self, block_or_step: str, name: str, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, dt: Optional[float] = None, add_0: bool = False, istress: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Series, None]: """Internal method to compute the block and step response. Parameters ---------- block_or_step: str String with "step" or "block" name: str string with the name of the stressmodel p : array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. dt: float, optional timestep for the response function. add_0: bool, optional Add a zero at t=0. istress: int, optional When multiple stresses are present in a stressmodel, this keyword can be used to obtain the response to an individual stress. kwargs: dict: passed to rfunc.step() or rfunc.block() Returns ------- response: pandas.Series or None Pandas.Series with the response, None if not present. """ if self.stressmodels[name].rfunc is None: logger.warning("Stressmodel %s has no rfunc.", name) return None else: block_or_step = getattr(self.stressmodels[name].rfunc, block_or_step) if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(name) if dt is None: dt = _get_dt(self.settings["freq"]) if istress is not None and self.stressmodels[name].get_nsplit() > 1: p = self.stressmodels[name].get_parameters(model=self, istress=istress) response = block_or_step(p, dt, **kwargs) if add_0: if isinstance(dt, np.ndarray): t = dt else: t = np.linspace(0, response.size * dt, response.size + 1) response = np.insert(response, 0, 0.0) else: if isinstance(dt, np.ndarray): t = dt else: t = np.linspace(dt, response.size * dt, response.size) response = Series(response, index=t, name=name) = "Time [days]" return response
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_block_response( self, name: str, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, add_0: bool = False, dt: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Series, None]: """Method to obtain the block response for a stressmodel. The optimal parameters are used when available, initial otherwise. Parameters ---------- name: str String with the name of the stressmodel. p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. add_0: bool, optional Adds 0 at t=0 at the start of the response, defaults to False. dt: float, optional timestep for the response function. kwargs: dict, optional Kwargs are passed onto _get_response() Returns ------- b: pandas.Series or None Pandas.Series with the block response. The index is based on the frequency that is present in the model.settings. """ return self._get_response( block_or_step="block", name=name, dt=dt, p=p, add_0=add_0, **kwargs )
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_step_response( self, name, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, add_0: bool = False, dt: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Series, None]: """Method to obtain the step response for a stressmodel. The optimal parameters are used when available, initial otherwise. Parameters ---------- name: str String with the name of the stressmodel. p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. add_0: bool, optional Adds 0 at t=0 at the start of the response, defaults to False. dt: float, optional timestep for the response function. kwargs: dict, optional Kwargs are passed onto _get_response() Returns ------- s: pandas.Series or None Pandas.Series with the step response. The index is based on the frequency that is present in the model.settings. """ return self._get_response( block_or_step="step", name=name, dt=dt, p=p, add_0=add_0, **kwargs )
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_response_tmax( self, name: str, p: ArrayLike = None, cutoff: float = 0.999, warn: bool = True, ) -> Union[float, None]: """Method to get the tmax used for the response function. Parameters ---------- name: str A string with the name of the stressmodel. p: array_like, optional An array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. cutoff: float, optional A float between 0 and 1. Default is 0.999 or 99.9% of the response. Returns ------- tmax: float or None A float with the number of days. None is return if stressmodels has no response function. Examples -------- >>> ml.get_response_tmax("recharge", cutoff=0.99) >>> 703 This means that after 703 days, 99% of the response of the groundwater levels to a recharge pulse has taken place. """ if self.stressmodels[name].rfunc is None: logger.warning("Stressmodel %s has no rfunc", name) return None else: if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(name) if isinstance(self.stressmodels[name].rfunc, HantushWellModel): kwargs = {"warn": warn} else: kwargs = {} tmax = self.stressmodels[name].rfunc.get_tmax(p=p, cutoff=cutoff, **kwargs) return tmax
[docs] @get_stressmodel def get_stress( self, name: str, tmin: Optional[TimestampType] = None, tmax: Optional[TimestampType] = None, freq: Optional[str] = None, warmup: Optional[float] = None, istress: Optional[int] = None, return_warmup: bool = False, p: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, ) -> Union[Series, List[Series]]: """Method to obtain the stress(es) from the stressmodel. Parameters ---------- name: str String with the name of the stressmodel. tmin: str, optional String with a start date for the simulation period (E.g. '1980'). If none is provided, the tmin from the oseries is used. tmax: str, optional String with an end date for the simulation period (E.g. '2010'). If none is provided, the tmax from the oseries is used. freq: str, optional String with the frequency the stressmodels are simulated. Must be one of the following: (D, h, m, s, ms, us, ns) or a multiple of that e.g. "7D". warmup: float, optional Warmup period (in Days). istress: int, optional When multiple stresses are present in a stressmodel, this keyword can be used to obtain the contribution of an individual stress. return_warmup: bool, optional Include warmup in contribution calculation or not. p: array_like, optional array_like object with the values as floats representing the model parameters. See Model.get_parameters() for more info if parameters is None. Returns ------- stress: pandas.Series or list of pandas.Series If one stress is present, a pandas Series is returned. If more are present, a list of pandas Series is returned. """ if p is None: p = self.get_parameters(name) if tmin is None: tmin = self.settings["tmin"] if tmax is None: tmax = self.settings["tmax"] if freq is None: freq = self.settings["freq"] if warmup is None: warmup = self.settings["warmup"] else: warmup = Timedelta(warmup, "D") # use warmup if tmin: tmin_warm = (Timestamp(tmin) - warmup).floor(freq) + self.settings[ "time_offset" ] else: tmin_warm = None kwargs = {"tmin": tmin_warm, "tmax": tmax, "freq": freq} if istress is not None: kwargs["istress"] = istress stress = self.stressmodels[name].get_stress(p=p, **kwargs) if not return_warmup: stress = stress.loc[tmin:tmax] return stress
def _get_file_info(self) -> dict: """Internal method to get the file information. Returns ------- file_info: dict dictionary with file information. """ # Check if file_info already exists if hasattr(self, "file_info"): file_info = self.file_info else: file_info = {"date_created":} file_info["date_modified"] = file_info["pastas_version"] = __version__ try: file_info["owner"] = getlogin() except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) file_info["owner"] = "Unknown" return file_info
[docs] def fit_report( self, corr: bool = False, stderr: bool = False, warnings: bool = True, output: str = None, ) -> str: """Method that reports on the fit after a model is optimized. Parameters ---------- corr : bool, optional If True the parameter correlations are shown. stderr : bool, optional If True the standard error of the parameter values are shown. Please be aware of the conditions for reliable uncertainty estimates, more information here: warnings : bool, optional print warnings in case of optimization failure, parameters hitting bounds, or length of responses exceeding calibration period. output : str, optional (deprecated) deprecated argument, use corr and stderr arguments instead. Returns ------- report: str String with the report. Examples -------- This method is called by the solve method if report=True, but can also be called on its own:: >>> print(ml.fit_report) Notes ----- The reported values for the fit use the residuals time series where possible. If interpolation is used this means that the result may slightly differ compared to using ml.simulate() and ml.observations(). """ model = { "nfev": self.solver.nfev, "nobs": self.observations().index.size, "noise": str(self.settings["noise"]), "tmin": str(self.settings["tmin"]), "tmax": str(self.settings["tmax"]), "freq": self.settings["freq"], "warmup": str(self.settings["warmup"]), "solver": self.settings["solver"], } fit = { "EVP": f"{self.stats.evp():.2f}", "R2": f"{self.stats.rsq():.2f}", "RMSE": f"{self.stats.rmse():.2f}", "AICc": f"{self.stats.aicc():.2f}", "BIC": f"{self.stats.bic():.2f}", "Obj": f"{self.solver.obj_func:.2f}", "___": "", "Interp.": "Yes" if self.interpolate_simulation else "No", } if output is not None: msg = "Use 'corr=True' instead." deprecate_args_or_kwargs("output", "2.0.0", reason=msg) if isinstance(output, str) and output == "full": corr = True parameters = self.parameters.loc[:, ["optimal", "initial", "vary"]].copy() if stderr: stderr = ( self.parameters.loc[:, "stderr"] / self.parameters.loc[:, "optimal"] ) parameters.loc[:, "stderr"] = stderr.abs().apply( _table_formatter_stderr, na_rep="nan" ) # determine width of the fit_report len_fit = max([len(v) for v in fit.values()]) + max( [len(v) for v in fit.keys()] ) len_model = max([len(v) for v in model.values() if isinstance(v, str)]) + max( [len(v) for v in model.keys()] ) len_param = len(parameters.to_string().split("\n")[1]) width = max((len_fit + len_model + 8), len_param) string = "{:{fill}{align}{width}}" string = "{:{fill}{align}{width}}" # Create the first header with model information and stats wspace = max(width - (11 + 14 + len(, 1) mspace = width - wspace - (11 + 14) header = ( f"Fit report {<{mspace}.{mspace}}" f"{string.format('', fill=' ', align='>', width=wspace)}" f"Fit Statistics\n" f"{string.format('', fill='=', align='>', width=width)}\n" ) basic = "" len_val4 = max([len(v) for v in fit.values()]) wspace = width - (8 + 23 + 9 + len_val4) for (val1, val2), (val3, val4) in zip(model.items(), fit.items()): basic += f"{val1:<8}{val2:<23}{val3:<9}" f"{val4:>{wspace + len_val4}}\n" # Create the parameters block params = ( f"\nParameters ({parameters.vary.sum()} optimized)\n" f"{string.format('', fill='=', align='>', width=width)}\n" f"{parameters.to_string()}" ) if corr: cor = DataFrame(columns=["value"]) for idx, col in combinations(self.solver.pcor, 2): if np.abs(self.solver.pcor.loc[idx, col]) > 0.5: cor.loc[f"{idx} {col}"] = self.solver.pcor.loc[idx, col] corr = ( f"\n\nParameter correlations |rho| > 0.5\n" f"{string.format('', fill='=', align='>', width=width)}" f"\n{cor.to_string(float_format='%.2f', header=False)}" ) else: corr = "" if warnings: msg = [] # model optimization unsuccessful if not self._solve_success: msg.append("Model parameters could not be estimated well.") # parameter bound warnings lowerhit, upperhit = self._check_parameters_bounds() nhits = upperhit.sum() + lowerhit.sum() if nhits > 0: for p in upperhit.index: if[p]: msg.append( f"Parameter '{p}' on upper bound: " f"{[p, 'pmax']:.2e}" ) elif[p]: msg.append( f"Parameter '{p}' on lower bound: " f"{[p, 'pmin']:.2e}" ) # check response t_cutoff vs length calibration period response_tmax_check = self._check_response_tmax() if (~response_tmax_check["check_ok"]).any(): mask = ~response_tmax_check["check_ok"] for i in response_tmax_check.loc[mask].index: msg.append(f"Response tmax for '{i}' > than calibration period.") # create message if len(msg) > 0: msg = [ f"\n\nWarnings! ({len(msg)})\n" f"{string.format('', fill='=', align='>', width=width)}" ] + msg warnings = "\n".join(msg) else: warnings = "" else: warnings = "" report = f"{header}{basic}{params}{warnings}{corr}" return report
def _check_response_tmax(self, cutoff: Optional[float] = None) -> DataFrame: """Internal method to check if response tmax is smaller than calibration period. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float, optional cutoff for response function, by default None, which uses cutoff defined for each response function. Returns ------- check : pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing length calibration period, response tmax for each stressmodel, and check result. """ len_oseries_calib = (self.settings["tmax"] - self.settings["tmin"]).days # only check stressmodels with a response function sm_names = [ key for key, item in self.stressmodels.items() if item.rfunc is not None ] check = DataFrame( index=sm_names, columns=["len_oseries_calib", "response_tmax", "check_ok"], ) check["len_oseries_calib"] = len_oseries_calib for sm_name in self.stressmodels: if isinstance(self.stressmodels[sm_name].rfunc, HantushWellModel): kwargs = {"warn": False} else: kwargs = {}[sm_name, "response_tmax"] = self.get_response_tmax( sm_name, cutoff=cutoff, **kwargs ) check["check_ok"] = check["response_tmax"] < check["len_oseries_calib"] return check def _check_parameters_bounds(self) -> Tuple[Series, Series]: """Internal method to check if the optimal parameters are close to pmin or pmax. Returns ------- lowerhit: pandas.Series pandas series with boolean values of the parameters that are close to the minimum (pmin) values. upperhit: pandas.Series pandas series with boolean values of the parameters that are close to the maximum (pmax) values. """ upperhit = Series(index=self.parameters.index, dtype=bool) lowerhit = Series(index=self.parameters.index, dtype=bool) for p in self.parameters.index: pmax =[p, "pmax"] pmin =[p, "pmin"] # calculate atol based on minimum, with max 1e-8 # otherwise set 1 order of magnitude lower than minimum value if pmin == 0.0 or np.isnan(pmin): atol = 1e-8 else: atol = np.min([1e-8, 10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(pmin))) - 1)]) # deal with NaNs in parameter bounds if np.isnan(pmax): pmax = np.inf if np.isnan(pmin): pmax = -np.inf # determine hits[p] = np.allclose([p, "optimal"], pmax, atol=atol, rtol=1e-5 )[p] = np.allclose([p, "optimal"], pmin, atol=atol, rtol=1e-5 ) return lowerhit, upperhit
[docs] def to_dict(self, series: bool = True, file_info: bool = True) -> dict: """Method to export a model to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- series: bool, optional True to export the time series (default), False to not export them. file_info: bool, optional Export file_info or not. See method Model.get_file_info. Notes ----- Helper function for the self.to_file method. To increase backward compatibility most attributes are stored in dictionaries that can be updated when a model is created. """ # Create a dictionary to store all data data = { "name":, "oseries": self.oseries.to_dict(series=series), "parameters": self.parameters, "settings": self.settings, "stressmodels": dict(), } # Stressmodels for name, sm in self.stressmodels.items(): data["stressmodels"][name] = sm.to_dict(series=series) # Constant if self.constant: data["constant"] = True # Transform if self.transform: data["transform"] = self.transform.to_dict() # Noisemodel if self.noisemodel: data["noisemodel"] = self.noisemodel.to_dict() # Solver object if self.solver: data["solver"] = self.solver.to_dict() # Update and save file information if file_info: data["file_info"] = self._get_file_info() return data
[docs] def to_file(self, fname: str, series: Union[bool, str] = True, **kwargs) -> None: """Method to save the Pastas model to a file. Parameters ---------- fname: str String with the name and the extension of the file. File extension has to be supported by Pastas. E.g. "model.pas" series: bool or str, optional Export the simulated series or not. If series is "original", the original series are exported, if series is "modified", the series are exported after being changed with the time series settings. Default is True. **kwargs: any argument that is passed to :mod:``. See Also -------- :mod:`` """ = validate_name(, raise_error=True) # Get dicts for all data sources data = self.to_dict(series=series) # Write the dicts to a file return dump(fname, data, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> ModelType: """Method to copy a model. Parameters ---------- name: str, optional String with the name of the model. The old name plus is appended with '_copy' if no name is provided. Returns ------- ml: pastas.model.Model Copy of the original model with no references to the old model. Examples -------- >>> ml_copy = ml.copy(name="new_name") """ if name is None: name = + "_copy" ml = _load_model(self.to_dict()) = name return ml
def _check_stressmodel_compatibility(self) -> None: """Internal method to check if the stressmodels are compatible with the model.""" for sm in self.stressmodels.values(): if hasattr(sm, "_check_stressmodel_compatibility"): sm._check_stressmodel_compatibility(self)