Source code for pastas.plotting.modelcompare

"""This module contains tools for visually comparing multiple models."""

from itertools import combinations
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, concat

from pastas.plotting.plotutil import _table_formatter_params, share_xaxes, share_yaxes
from pastas.rfunc import HantushWellModel
from pastas.stats.core import acf
from pastas.typing import Axes, Model

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CompareModels: """Class for visually comparing pastas Models. This is a versatile class for constructing visual model comparison plots. The default `CompareModels.plot()` method mimics `ml.plots.results()` but allows multiple models to be included in the figure. Instead of parameter uncertainties, by default only optimal values are shown for each model and a table containing fit metrics is included in the top right of the figure. The visualization of each component (i.e. time series, a table) is controlled by separate functions allowing users to easily customize their figure. The layout of the figure is controlled by a so-called "mosaic", which is essentially a 2D array (in the form of nested lists) containing labels that refer to specific axes:: mosaic = [ ["sim", "sim", "met"], # oseries+simulation (2x2), metrics (1x1) ["sim", "sim", "tab"], # oseries+simulation (2x2), parameters (2x1) ["res", "res", "tab"], # residuals+noise (1x2), parameters (2x1) ["con0", "con0", "rf0"] # contributions (1x2), step response (1x1) ] In this example, the "sim" axis will be 2x2 in the top left portion of the figure (with total dimensions (4x3)), while the "met" axis will be 1x1 in the top right. Users can either use the default mosaic or provide their own. Additional logic is available to control plotting of multiple contributions of stresses on the same set of axes. Additionally, some helper methods are defined to obtain relevant information from the models passed to CompareModels. Example usage:: mc = ps.CompareModels([ml1, ml2]) mc.plot() # obtain axes handles sim_ax = mc.axes["sim"] sim_ax.grid(False) # save figure mc.figure.savefig("modelcomparison.png") """
[docs] def __init__(self, models: List[Model], names: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """Initialize model compare class. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models to compare. names : list of str, optional override model names """ self.models = models # ensure unique model names if names is not None: modelnames = names else: modelnames = [ for iml in self.models] if len(set(modelnames)) < len(modelnames): logger.warning("Duplicate model names, appending a suffix.") modelnames = [f"{}_{i}" for i, iml in enumerate(self.models)] self.modelnames = modelnames # attributes that are set and used later self.figure = None self.axes = None self.mosaic = None self.cmap = None self.adjust_height = False self.smdict = None
[docs] def initialize_figure( self, mosaic: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, cmap: str = "tab10", return_ax: bool = False, **fig_kwargs, ) -> None: """initialize a custom figure based on a mosaic. Parameters ---------- mosaic : list, optional subplot mosaic, by default None which uses the default mosaic. figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default (10, 8). cmap : str, optional colormap, by default "tab10". """ if mosaic is None: mosaic = self.get_default_mosaic() self.cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) figure, axes = plt.subplot_mosaic(mosaic, **fig_kwargs) if return_ax: return axes self.figure = figure self.axes = axes self.mosaic = mosaic
[docs] def initialize_adjust_height_figure( self, mosaic: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, cmap: str = "tab10", smdict: Optional[dict] = None, **fig_kwargs, ) -> None: """initialize subplots based on a mosaic with equal vertical scales. The height of each subplot is calculated based on the y-data limits in each subplot. This is calculation is performed on the first column of axes in the mosaic. Parameters ---------- mosaic : list, optional subplot mosaic, by default None which uses the default mosaic. figsize : tuple, optional figure size, by default (10, 8) cmap : str, optional colormap, by default "tab10" smdict : dict, optional Dictionary with integers (index) as keys and list of stressmodel names as values that have to be in each subplot. For example, `{0: ['prec', 'evap'], 1: ['rech']}` where stressmodels 'prec' and 'evap' are plotted in the first response function window and 'rech' in the second. By default, None, which creates a separate subplot for each stressmodel. """ self.adjust_height = True if mosaic is None: mosaic = self.get_default_mosaic() if smdict is None and self.smdict is None: self.smdict = { i: [smn] for i, smn in enumerate(self.get_unique_stressmodels()) } elif smdict is not None and self.smdict is None: self.smdict = smdict # loop through models to get min and max sim_minmax = [1e30, -1e30] res_minmax = [1e30, -1e30] contrib_minmax = DataFrame( index=self.get_unique_stressmodels(), columns=["min", "max"] ) for ml in self.models: # get sim min/max sim = ml.simulate() o = ml.observations() sim_minmax[0] = np.nanmin([np.nanmin([sim.min(), o.min()]), sim_minmax[0]]) sim_minmax[1] = np.nanmax([np.nanmax([sim.max(), o.max()]), sim_minmax[1]]) # get res min/max res = ml.residuals() res_minmax[0] = np.nanmin([res.min(), res_minmax[0]]) res_minmax[1] = np.nanmax([res.max(), res_minmax[1]]) # get contrib min/max smnames = ml.get_stressmodel_names() for smname in smnames: contribution = ml.get_contribution(smname) contrib_minmax.loc[smname, "min"] = np.nanmin( [contrib_minmax.loc[smname, "min"], np.min(contribution)] ) contrib_minmax.loc[smname, "max"] = np.nanmax( [contrib_minmax.loc[smname, "max"], np.max(contribution)] ) # get maximum dy for each subplot heights = {} # convert mosaic to dataframe and take first column dfmos = DataFrame(mosaic).iloc[:, 0] # get original ratio of each string in first column of mosaic mosfrac = (dfmos.value_counts() / len(dfmos)).to_dict() for ky in mosfrac: if ky == "sim": heights[ky] = sim_minmax[1] - sim_minmax[0] elif ky == "res": heights[ky] = res_minmax[1] - res_minmax[0] elif "con" in ky: # if entry is contribution # loop through stressmodelnames provided for subplot smnames = self.smdict[int(ky[3:])] # index is after 'con' # fmt: off heights[ky] = ( np.nanmax(contrib_minmax.loc[smnames, "max"]) - np.nanmin(contrib_minmax.loc[smnames, "min"]) ) # fmt: on # sum of scaled dy hsum = np.sum(list(heights.values())) # total height ratio of scaled dy subplots hratio = 1.0 - np.sum([mosfrac[ky] for ky in mosfrac if ky not in heights]) heights_list = [] # collect heights for ky in mosfrac: nrows = dfmos.value_counts().loc[ky] if ky in heights: # add entry if axes spans multiple tiles in mosaic heights_list += [heights[ky] / hsum * hratio / nrows] * nrows else: # use the ratio of mosaic heights_list += [mosfrac[ky]] self.mosaic = mosaic fig, axes = plt.subplot_mosaic( self.mosaic, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=heights_list), **fig_kwargs, ) self.figure = fig self.axes = axes self.cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) # set ylimits to data limits for scaling properly for axlbl in self.axes: if axlbl in ["sim", "res"] or axlbl.startswith("con"): self.axes[axlbl].autoscale(enable=None, axis="y", tight=True)
[docs] def get_unique_stressmodels(self, models: List[Model] = None) -> List[str]: """Get all unique stressmodel names. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models, by default None """ if models is None: models = self.models sm_unique = [] for ml in models: sm_unique += [x for x in ml.get_stressmodel_names() if x not in sm_unique] return sm_unique
[docs] def get_default_mosaic( self, n_stressmodels: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[List[str]]: """Get default mosaic for matplotlib.subplot_mosaic(). Parameters ---------- n_stressmodels : None, optional number of stressmodel plots to include in mosaic by default None which uses the number of unique stressmodels in all models. Returns ------- mosaic : list list of lists containing axes labels. """ if n_stressmodels is None: n_stressmodels = len(self.get_unique_stressmodels(models=self.models)) mosaic = [ ["sim", "sim", "met"], ["sim", "sim", "tab"], ["res", "res", "tab"], ] for i in range(n_stressmodels): mosaic.append([f"con{i}", f"con{i}", f"rf{i}"]) return mosaic
[docs] def get_tmin_tmax(self, models: List[Model] = None) -> DataFrame: """get tmin and tmax of all models. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models to get tmin/tmax for, by default None. """ if models is None: models = self.models tmintmax = DataFrame(columns=["tmin", "tmax"], dtype="datetime64[ns]") for ml in models: tmintmax.loc[, ["tmin", "tmax"]] = [ ml.get_tmin(), ml.get_tmax(), ] return tmintmax
[docs] def get_metrics( self, models: Optional[List[Model]] = None, metric_selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> DataFrame: """get metrics of all models in a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models to calculate metrics for, by default None. metric_selection : list of str, optional names of metrics to calculate, by default None. Returns ------- metrics : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing calculated metrics. """ if models is None: models = self.models if self.modelnames is None: modelnames = [ for iml in models] else: modelnames = self.modelnames metrics = concat( [ml.stats.summary(stats=metric_selection) for ml in models], axis=1, sort=False, ) metrics.columns = modelnames = None return metrics
[docs] def get_parameters( self, models: Optional[List[Model]] = None, param_col: str = "optimal", param_selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> DataFrame: """get parameter values of all models in a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models to get parameters for, by default None. param_col : str, optional name of parameter column to obtain, by default "optimal". param_selection : list of str, optional string to filter parameter selection, by default None. Returns ------- params : pd.DataFrame parameter DataFrame containing parameters for each model. """ if models is None: models = self.models if self.modelnames is None: modelnames = [ for iml in models] else: modelnames = self.modelnames params = concat([ml.parameters[param_col] for ml in models], axis=1, sort=False) params.columns = modelnames if param_selection: sel = np.array([]) for sub in param_selection: sel = np.append(sel, [idx for idx in params.index if sub in idx]) return params.loc[sel].sort_index() else: return params
[docs] def get_diagnostics( self, models: Optional[List[Model]] = None, diag_col: str = "P-value" ) -> DataFrame: """Get p-values of statistical tests in a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- models : list of ps.Model, optional list of models to calculate diagnostics for. diag_col : str, optional name of diagnostics column to obtain, by default "P-value". """ if models is None: models = self.models modelnames = self.modelnames else: modelnames = [ for iml in models] diags = [] for ml in models: mldiag = ml.stats.diagnostics() diags.append(mldiag.loc[:, diag_col]) diags = concat(diags, axis=1, sort=False) diags.columns = modelnames return diags
[docs] def plot_oseries(self, axn: str = "sim") -> None: """Plot all oseries, unless all oseries are the same. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot oseries on, by default "sim". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes oseries = [ml.oseries.series for ml in self.models] equals = np.array([]) for pair in combinations(oseries, 2): equals = np.append(equals, np.array_equal(pair[0], pair[1])) if equals.all(): axs[axn].plot( oseries[0].index, oseries[0].values, label=oseries[0].name, linestyle="", marker="o", color="k", markersize=3, ) else: for i, oseries in enumerate(oseries): axs[axn].scatter( oseries.index, oseries.values,, color=self.cmap(i), s=15, edgecolor="k", linewidth=0.5, ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_simulation(self, axn: str = "sim") -> None: """plot model simulation. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot model simulations on, by default "sim". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): if self.modelnames is not None: name = self.modelnames[i] else: name = ml.model simulation = ml.simulate() axs[axn].plot( simulation.index, simulation.values, label=name, linestyle="-", color=self.cmap(i), ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_residuals(self, axn: str = "res") -> None: """plot residuals. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot residuals on, by default "res". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): residuals = ml.residuals() axs[axn].plot( residuals.index, residuals.values, label="Residuals", color=self.cmap(i), ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_noise(self, axn: str = "res") -> None: """plot noise. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot noise on, by default "res". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): if ml.settings["noise"]: noise = ml.noise() axs[axn].plot( noise.index, noise.values, label="Noise", linestyle="--", color=self.cmap(i), ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_response( self, smdict: Optional[dict] = None, axn: str = "rf{i}", response: str = "step" ) -> None: """plot step or block responses. Parameters ---------- smdict : dict, optional Dictionary with integers (index) as keys and list of stressmodel names as values that have to be in each subplot. For example, `{0: ['prec', 'evap'], 1: ['rech']}` where stressmodels 'prec' and 'evap' are plotted in the first response function window and 'rech' in the second. By default, None, which creates a separate subplot for each stressmodel. axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot response functions on, by default "rf{i}". If smdict is not None, keys of that dictionary are used to fill in axes label, e.g. key 0 indicates the response functions will be plotted on axes with label 'rf0'. Otherwise, each response function will be plotted on a separate subplot (i.e. 'rf0', 'rf1', ...). response : str, optional type of response to plot, either "step" or "block", by default "step". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn.format(i=0)]], figsize=(5, 3), return_ax=True ) if smdict is None and self.smdict is None: self.smdict = { i: [smn] for i, smn in enumerate(self.get_unique_stressmodels()) } elif smdict is not None and self.smdict is None: self.smdict = smdict for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): for j, namlist in self.smdict.items(): for smn in namlist: # skip if contribution not in model if smn not in ml.stressmodels: continue if response == "step": kwargs = {} p = None if ml.stressmodels[smn].rfunc is not None: if isinstance(ml.stressmodels[smn].rfunc, HantushWellModel): kwargs = {"warn": False} p = ml.stressmodels[smn].get_parameters( model=ml, istress=0 ) step = ml.get_step_response(smn, p=p, add_0=True, **kwargs) if step is None: continue if self.axes is None: axs[axn.format(i=0)].plot( step.index, step.values, label=f"{smn}", ) else: self.axes[axn.format(i=j)].plot( step.index, step.values, label=f"{smn}", color=self.cmap(i), ) elif response == "block": kwargs = {} p = None if ml.stressmodels[smn].rfunc is not None: if isinstance(ml.stressmodels[smn].rfunc, HantushWellModel): kwargs = {"warn": False} p = ml.stressmodels[smn].get_parameters( model=ml, istress=0 ) block = ml.get_block_response(smn, p=p, add_0=True, **kwargs) if block is None: continue if self.axes is None: axs[axn.format(i=0)].semilogx( block.index, block.values, label=f"{smn}", ) else: self.axes[axn.format(i=j)].semilogx( block.index, block.values, label=f"{smn}", color=self.cmap(i), ) if self.axes is None: return axs[axn.format(i=0)]
[docs] def plot_contribution( self, smdict: Optional[dict] = None, axn: str = "con{i}", normalized: bool = False, ) -> None: """plot stressmodel contributions. Parameters ---------- smdict : dict, optional Dictionary with integers (index) as keys and list of stressmodel names as values that have to be in each subplot. For example, `{0: ['prec', 'evap'], 1: ['rech']}` where stressmodels 'prec' and 'evap' are plotted in the first contribution window and 'rech' in the second. By default, None, which creates a separate subplot for each stressmodel. axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot the contributions to, by default "con{i}". If smdict is not None, keys of that dictionary are used to fill in axes label, e.g. key 0 indicates the contributions will be plotted on axes with label 'con0'. Otherwise, each contribution will be plotted on a separate subplot (i.e. 'con0', 'con1', ...). normalized : bool, optional normalize contributions with min/max depending on mean value, by default False. """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn.format(i=0)]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) if smdict is None and self.smdict is None: if self.adjust_height: "When combining stressmodels into one subplot in combination " "with 'adjust_height', provide 'smdict' to " "`initialize_adjust_height_figure()` for best results." ) self.smdict = { i: [smn] for i, smn in enumerate(self.get_unique_stressmodels()) } elif smdict is not None and self.smdict is None: self.smdict = smdict for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): for j, namlist in self.smdict.items(): for smn in namlist: if smn not in ml.stressmodels: continue for con in ml.get_contributions(split=False): if smn in label = f"{}" if normalized: label += " (normalized)" if con.mean() < 0: con -= con.max() else: con -= con.min() if self.axes is None: axs[axn.format(i=0)].plot( con.index, con.values, label=label, ) else: self.axes[axn.format(i=j)].plot( con.index, con.values, label=label, color=self.cmap(i), ) if self.axes is None: return axs[axn.format(i=0)]
[docs] def plot_stress( self, axn: str = "stress", names: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: """plot stresses time series. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot stresses on, by default "stress". names : list of str, optional names of stresses to plot, by default None. """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes if names is None: names = self.get_unique_stressmodels() for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): for smn in names: if smn in ml.get_stressmodel_names(): stress = ml.get_stress(smn) axs[axn].plot( stress.index, stress.values, label=f"{smn}", color=self.cmap(i), ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_acf(self, axn: str = "acf") -> None: """plot autocorrelation plot. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot ACF on, by default "acf". """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure( mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(10, 3), return_ax=True ) else: axs = self.axes for i, ml in enumerate(self.models): if ml.noise() is not None: r = acf(ml.noise(), full_output=True) label = "Autocorrelation Noise" else: r = acf(ml.residuals(), full_output=True) label = "Autocorrelation Residuals" conf = r.conf.rolling(10, min_periods=1).mean().values axs[axn].fill_between( r.index.days, conf, -conf, alpha=0.3, color=self.cmap(i) ) axs[axn].vlines( r.index.days, [0], r.loc[:, "acf"].values, color=self.cmap(i), label=label, ) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_table(self, axn: str = "table", df: Optional[DataFrame] = None) -> None: """Plot dataframe as table. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot table on, by default "table". df : pandas.DataFrame, optional The Pandas.Dataframe to plot. Note that the first column is the index column that is shown. """ if self.axes is None: axs = self.initialize_figure(mosaic=[[axn]], figsize=(6, 4), return_ax=True) else: axs = self.axes if df is None: df = DataFrame(["empty"]) axs[axn].table( df.values.tolist(), colLabels=df.columns, colColours=[(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] + [self.cmap(i, alpha=0.75) for i in range(len(df.columns) - 1)], bbox=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), ) axs[axn].set_xticks([]) axs[axn].set_yticks([]) return axs[axn]
[docs] def plot_table_params( self, axn: str = "tab", param_col: str = "optimal", param_selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """plot model parameters table. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot table on, by default "tab" param_col : str, optional name of parameter column to include, by default "optimal" param_selection : list of str, optional string to filter parameter names that are included in table, by default None. """ params = self.get_parameters( self.models, param_selection=param_selection, param_col=param_col, ).apply(lambda x: x.apply(_table_formatter_params), axis=1) # add separate column with parameter names params.loc[:, "Parameters"] = params.index cols = params.columns.to_list()[-1:] + params.columns.to_list()[:-1] return self.plot_table(axn=axn, df=params[cols])
[docs] def plot_table_metrics( self, axn: str = "met", metric_selection: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: """plot metrics table. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axes to plot table on, by default "met" metric_selection : list, optional list of str describing which metrics to include, by default None which uses ["rsq", "aicc"]. """ if metric_selection is None: metric_selection = ["rsq", "aicc"] metrics = self.get_metrics(self.models, metric_selection=metric_selection) for met in ["aic", "aicc", "bic"]: if met in metrics.index: metrics.loc[met] -= metrics.loc[met].min() metname = "AICc" if met == "aicc" else met.upper() metrics = metrics.rename( index={met: f"\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA}{metname}"} ) if "rsq" in metrics.index: metrics = metrics.rename(index={"rsq": "R\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO}"}) # add separate column with parameter names metrics.loc[:, "Metrics"] = metrics.index cols = metrics.columns.to_list()[-1:] + metrics.columns.to_list()[:-1] return self.plot_table(axn=axn, df=metrics[cols].round(2))
[docs] def plot_table_diagnostics( self, axn: str = "diag", diag_col: str = "P-value" ) -> None: """plot diagnostics table. Parameters ---------- axn : str, optional name of labeled axis to plot table on, by default "diag". diag_col : str, optional name of diagnostics column to obtain, by default "P-value". """ # add separate column with parameter names diags = self.get_diagnostics(self.models, diag_col=diag_col) diags.loc[:, f"Test\n{diag_col}"] = diags.index cols = diags.columns.to_list()[-1:] + diags.columns.to_list()[:-1] return self.plot_table(axn=axn, df=diags[cols])
[docs] def share_xaxes(self, axes: List[Axes]) -> None: """share x-axes. Parameters ---------- axes : list of matplotlib.Axes list of axes objects. """ share_xaxes(axes)
[docs] def share_yaxes(self, axes: List[Axes]) -> None: """share y-axes. Parameters ---------- axes : list of matplotlib.Axes list of axes objects. """ share_yaxes(axes)
[docs] def plot( self, smdict: Optional[dict] = None, normalized: bool = False, param_selection: Optional[list] = None, grid: bool = True, legend: bool = True, adjust_height: bool = False, legend_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **fig_kwargs, ) -> None: """plot the models in a comparison plot. The resulting plot is similar to `ml.plots.results()`. Parameters ---------- smdict : dict, optional dictionary with integers (index) as keys and list of stressmodel names as values that have to be in each subplot. For example, `{0: ['prec', 'evap'], 1: ['rech']}` where stressmodels 'prec' and 'evap' are plotted in the first contribution/response function window and 'rech' in the second. By default, None, which creates a separate subplot for each stressmodel. normalized : bool, optional normalize contributions such that minimum or maximum value is equal to zero, by default False. param_selection : list, optional list of (sub)strings of which parameters to show in table, by default None. grid : bool, optional grid in each subplot, by default True. legend : bool, optional add legend in each subplot, by default True. adjust_height : bool, optional adjust the height of the graphs, so that the vertical scale of all the subplots on the left is equal. Default is False. When combining stress contributions in one subplot, please also provide smdict for best results. legend_kwargs : dict, optional pass legend keyword arguments to plots. """ self.adjust_height = adjust_height if "figsize" not in fig_kwargs: fig_kwargs["figsize"] = (10, 8) if self.axes is None and not self.adjust_height: self.initialize_figure(**fig_kwargs) if self.axes is None and self.adjust_height: self.initialize_adjust_height_figure(smdict=smdict, **fig_kwargs) # sim _ = self.plot_oseries() _ = self.plot_simulation() # res _ = self.plot_residuals() _ = self.plot_noise() # smn, rfn _ = self.plot_contribution(smdict=smdict, normalized=normalized) _ = self.plot_response(smdict=smdict) # share x-axes xshare_left = [] xshare_right = [] for axn in self.axes.keys(): if axn not in ("tab", "met", "dia"): self.axes[axn].grid(grid) if legend and not axn.startswith("rf"): if legend_kwargs is None: legend_kwargs = {} _, labels = self.axes[axn].get_legend_handles_labels() self.axes[axn].legend( ncol=legend_kwargs.pop( "ncol", max([int(np.ceil(len(labels))), 4]) ), loc=legend_kwargs.pop("loc", (0, 1)), frameon=legend_kwargs.pop("frameon", False), markerscale=legend_kwargs.pop("markerscale", 1.0), numpoints=legend_kwargs.pop("numpoints", 3), **legend_kwargs, ) if axn in ("sim", "res") or axn.startswith("con"): xshare_left.append(self.axes[axn]) if axn.startswith("rf"): xshare_right.append(self.axes[axn]) if len(xshare_left) > 1: self.share_xaxes(xshare_left) if len(xshare_right) > 1: self.share_xaxes(xshare_right) # xlim bounds tmintmax = self.get_tmin_tmax() tmin = tmintmax.loc[:, "tmin"].min() tmax = tmintmax.loc[:, "tmax"].max() self.axes["sim"].set_xlim(tmin, tmax) # met _ = self.plot_table_metrics() # tab _ = self.plot_table_params(param_selection=param_selection) self.figure.tight_layout(pad=0.0)