"""The following methods may be used to describe the fit between the model simulation
and the observations.
These methods may be used as follows:
>>> ps.stats.rmse(sim, obs)
or directly from a Pastas model:
>>> ml.stats.rmse()
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Optional
from numpy import abs as npabs
from numpy import average, log, nan, sqrt
from pandas import Series
from pastas.decorators import PastasDeprecationWarning
from pastas.stats.core import _get_weights, mean, std, var
__all__ = [
logger = getLogger(__name__)
# Absolute Error Metrics
[docs]def mae(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
sim: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the observed values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
Weight the values by the normalized time step to account for irregular time
series. Default is True.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between the observed (:math:`y_o`) and simulated
(:math:`y_s`) time series is computed as follows:
.. math:: \\text{MAE} = \\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i |y_s - y_o|
where :math:`N` is the number of observations in the observed time series.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
w = _get_weights(err, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
return (w * npabs(err.to_numpy())).sum()
[docs]def rmse(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
sim: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the observed values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
Weight the values by the normalized time step to account for irregular time
series. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
Computes the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) as follows:
.. math:: \\text{RMSE} = \\sqrt{\\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i \\epsilon_i^2}
where :math:`N` is the number of error :math:`\\epsilon`.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
w = _get_weights(err, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
return sqrt((w * err.to_numpy() ** 2).sum())
[docs]def sse(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
) -> float:
"""Compute the Sum of the Squared Errors (SSE).
sim: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the observed values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
The Sum of the Squared Errors (SSE) is calculated as follows:
.. math:: \\text{SSE} = \\sum(\\epsilon^2)
where :math:`\\epsilon` are the errors.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
return (err.to_numpy() ** 2).sum()
# Percentage Error Metrics
[docs]def pearsonr(
obs: Series,
sim: Series,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Pearson correlation (r).
sim: pandas.Series
The Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series
The Series with the observed values.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values in the observed series. Only
"drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
Weight the values by the normalized time step to account for irregular time
series. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
The Pearson correlation (r) is computed as follows:
.. math:: r = \\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N}w_i (y_{o,i} - \\bar{y_o})(y_{s,i} - \\bar{
y_s})} {\\sqrt{\\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i(y_{o,i}-\\bar{y_o})^2 \\sum_{i=1}^{N}w_i(
y_{s,i} -\\bar{y_s})^2}}
Where :math:`y_o` is observed time series, :math:`y_s` the simulated time series,
and :math:`N` the number of observations in the observed time series.
if missing == "drop":
obs = obs.dropna()
w = _get_weights(obs, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
sim = sim.reindex(obs.index).dropna().to_numpy()
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if sim.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
sim = sim - average(sim, weights=w)
obs = obs.to_numpy() - average(obs.to_numpy(), weights=w)
r = (w * sim * obs).sum() / sqrt((w * sim**2).sum() * (w * obs**2).sum())
return r
[docs]def evp(
obs: Series,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Explained Variance Percentage (EVP).
obs: pandas.Series
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
If weighted is True, the variances are computed using the time step between
observations as weights. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
Commonly used goodness-of-fit metric groundwater level models as computed in
.. math:: \\text{EVP} = \\frac{\\sigma_h^2 - \\sigma_r^2}{\\sigma_h^2}
* 100
where :math:`\\sigma_h^2` is the variance of the observations and
:math:`\\sigma_r^2` is the variance of the errors. The returned value is
bounded between 0% and 100%.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
if obs.var() == 0.0:
return 100.0
return (
- var(err, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
/ var(obs, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
* 100
[docs]def nse(
obs: Series,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE).
obs: pandas.Series
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
If weighted is True, the variances are computed using the time step between
observations as weights. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
NSE computed according to :cite:t:`nash_river_1970`
.. math:: \\text{NSE} = 1 - \\frac{\\sum(h_s-h_o)^2}{\\sum(h_o-\\mu_{h,o})}
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
w = _get_weights(err, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
mu = average(obs.to_numpy(), weights=w)
return 1 - (w * err.to_numpy() ** 2).sum() / (w * (obs.to_numpy() - mu) ** 2).sum()
[docs]def rsq(
obs: Series,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
nparam: Optional[int] = None,
) -> float:
"""Compute R-squared, possibly adjusted for the number of free parameters.
obs: pandas.Series
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
If weighted is True, the variances are computed using the time step between
observations as weights. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the weights.
All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the max_gap value.
Default value is 30 days.
nparam: int, optional
number of calibrated parameters.
.. math:: \\rho_{adj} = 1- \\frac{n-1}{n-n_{param}}*\\frac{rss}{tss}
Where n is the number of observations, :math:`n_{param}` the number of free
parameters, rss the sum of the squared errors, and tss the total sum of
squared errors.
When nparam is provided, the :math:`\\rho` is adjusted for the number of
calibration parameters.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
w = _get_weights(err, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
if len(w) != obs.index.size:
raise ValueError(
"Weights and observations time series have different lengths! "
"Check observation and simulation time series."
mu = average(obs.to_numpy(), weights=w)
rss = (w * err.to_numpy() ** 2.0).sum()
tss = (w * (obs.to_numpy() - mu) ** 2.0).sum()
if nparam:
return 1.0 - (obs.size - 1.0) / (obs.size - nparam) * rss / tss
return 1.0 - rss / tss
[docs]def bic(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
nparam: int = 1,
) -> float:
"""Compute the Bayesian Information Criterium (BIC).
obs: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
nparam: int, optional
number of calibrated parameters.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
The Bayesian Information Criterium (BIC) :cite:p:`akaike_bayesian_1979` is
computed as follows:
.. math:: \\text{BIC} = -2 log(L) + n_{param} * log(N)
where :math:`n_{param}` is the number of calibration parameters.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
n = err.index.size
return n * log((err.to_numpy() ** 2.0).sum() / n) + nparam * log(n)
[docs]def aic(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
nparam: int = 1,
) -> float:
"""Compute the Akaike Information Criterium (AIC).
obs: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals
are provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the
residuals must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
nparam: int, optional
number of calibrated parameters.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is
supported now.
The Akaike Information Criterium (AIC) :cite:p:`akaike_new_1974` is computed as
.. math:: \\text{AIC} = -2 log(L) + 2 nparam
where :math:`n_{param}` is the number of calibration parameters and L is
the likelihood function for the model. In the case of ordinary least
.. math:: log(L) = - (nobs / 2) * log(RSS / -nobs)
where RSS denotes the residual sum of squares and nobs the number of
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if err.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
n = err.index.size
return n * log((err.to_numpy() ** 2.0).sum() / n) + 2.0 * nparam
[docs]def aicc(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
nparam: int = 1,
) -> float:
"""Compute the Akaike Information Criterium with second order
bias correction for the number of observations (AICc)
obs: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the observed values.
sim: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the simulated values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals
are provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the
residuals must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
nparam: int, optional
number of calibrated parameters.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is
supported now.
The corrected Akaike Information Criterium (AICc)
:cite:p:`suguria_aicc_1978` is computed as follows:
.. math:: \\text{AIC} = -2 log(L) + 2 nparam - (2 nparam (nparam + 1) / (nobs - nparam - 1))
where :math:`n_{param}` is the number of calibration parameters, nobs is
the number of observations and L is the likelihood function for the model.
In the case of ordinary least squares:
.. math:: log(L) = - (nobs / 2) * log(RSS / -nobs)
where RSS denotes the residual sum of squares.
err = _compute_err(obs=obs, sim=sim, res=res, missing=missing)
n = err.index.size
c_term = (2 * nparam * (nparam + 1)) / (n - nparam - 1)
return aic(res=-err, nparam=nparam) + c_term
# Forecast Error Metrics
[docs]def kge(
obs: Series,
sim: Series,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
modified: bool = False,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE).
sim: pandas.Series
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series
The Series with the observed values.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is
supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
Weight the values by the normalized time step to account for
irregular time series. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the
weights. All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the
max_gap value. Default value is 30 days.
modified: bool, optional
Use the modified KGE as proposed by :cite:t:`kling_runoff_2012`.
According to the article this ensures that the bias and variability
ratios are not cross-correlated, which otherwise may occur when inputs
are biased.
The (weighted) Kling-Gupta Efficiency :cite:t:`kling_runoff_2012` is
computed as follows:
.. math:: \\text{KGE} = 1 - \\sqrt{(r-1)^2 + (\\beta-1)^2 - (\\gamma-1)^2}
where :math:`\\beta = \\bar{x} / \\bar{y}` and :math:`\\gamma =
\\frac{\\bar{\\sigma}_x}{\\bar{\\sigma}_y}`. If modified equals True,
:math:`\\gamma = \\frac{\\bar{\\sigma}_x / \\bar{x}}{\\bar{\\sigma}_y /
\\bar{y}}`. If weighted equals True, the weighted mean, variance and
pearson correlation are used.
if missing == "drop":
obs = obs.dropna()
sim = sim.reindex(obs.index).dropna()
# Return nan if the time indices of the sim and obs don't match
if sim.index.size == 0:
logger.warning("Time indices of the sim and obs don't match.")
return nan
r = pearsonr(obs=obs, sim=sim, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
mu_sim = mean(sim, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
mu_obs = mean(obs, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap)
beta = mu_sim / mu_obs
if modified:
gamma = (std(sim, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap) / mu_sim) / (
std(obs, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap) / mu_obs
gamma = std(sim, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap) / std(
obs, weighted=weighted, max_gap=max_gap
kge = 1 - sqrt((r - 1) ** 2 + (beta - 1) ** 2 + (gamma - 1) ** 2)
return kge
reason="""This function `kge_2012` will be deprecated in Pastas version 2.0. Please
use `pastas.stats.kge(modified=True)` to get the same outcome.""",
def kge_2012(
obs: Series,
sim: Series,
missing: str = "drop",
weighted: bool = False,
max_gap: int = 30,
) -> float:
"""Compute the (weighted) Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE).
sim: pandas.Series
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series
The Series with the observed values.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is
supported now.
weighted: bool, optional
Weight the values by the normalized time step to account for
irregular time series. Default is False.
max_gap: int, optional
maximum allowed gap period in days to use for the computation of the
weights. All time steps larger than max_gap are replace with the
max_gap value. Default value is 30 days.
The (weighted) Kling-Gupta Efficiency :cite:t:`kling_runoff_2012` is
computed as follows:
.. math:: \\text{KGE} = 1 - \\sqrt{(r-1)^2 + (\\beta-1)^2 - (\\gamma-1)^2}
where :math:`\\beta = \\bar{x} / \\bar{y}` and :math:`\\gamma =
\\frac{\\bar{\\sigma}_x / \\bar{x}}{\\bar{\\sigma}_y / \\bar{y}}`. If
weighted equals True, the weighted mean, variance and pearson
correlation are used.
return kge(
def _compute_err(
obs: Optional[Series] = None,
sim: Optional[Series] = None,
res: Optional[Series] = None,
missing: str = "drop",
sim: pandas.Series, optional
Series with the simulated values.
obs: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the observed values.
res: pandas.Series, optional
The Series with the residual values. If time series for the residuals are
provided, the sim and obs arguments are ignored. Note that the residuals
must be computed as `obs - sim` here.
missing: str, optional
string with the rule to deal with missing values. Only "drop" is supported now.
err: pandas.Series
The pandas.Series with the errors, computed as
if (obs is not None) and (sim is not None):
err = sim.subtract(obs)
elif res is not None:
err = -res
msg = (
"Either the residuals, or the simulation and observations have to be "
"provided. Please provide one of these two input options."
raise ValueError(msg)
if missing == "drop":
err = err.dropna()
return err