Source code for pastas.stats.tests

"""The following methods may be used for the diagnostic checking of the residual time series of a calibrated (Pastas) model."""

from logging import getLogger

# Type Hinting
from typing import Tuple

from numpy import arange, cumsum, finfo, median, nan, sqrt, zeros
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, date_range, infer_freq
from scipy.stats import chi2, norm, normaltest, shapiro

from pastas.stats.core import acf as get_acf
from pastas.timeseries_utils import _get_time_offset, get_equidistant_series_nearest

logger = getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = [

[docs]def durbin_watson(series: Series) -> float: """Durbin-Watson test for autocorrelation. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series, optional residuals series. Returns ------- dw_stat: float The method returns the Durbin-Watson test statistic. Notes ----- The Durban Watson statistic ([durbin_1951]_, [Fahidy_2004]_) tests the null-hypothesis that the correlation between the noise values at lag one equals zero. The formula to calculate the Durbin-Watson statistic (DW) is: .. math:: DW = \\frac{\\sum_{t=2}^{n}(\\upsilon_t-\\upsilon_{t-1}^2)} {\\sum_{t=1}^{n}\\upsilon_t^2} where $n$ is the number of values in the noise series. The test-statistic has a range :math:`0 \\geq DW \\leq 4`, where values of $DW < 2$ indicate a positive correlation and values of $DW > 2$ indicates negative autocorrelation. The Durbin-Watson test requires a constant time interval of the noise series and tests for autocorrelation at a lag of 1 time step. **Considerations for this test:** - The time series should have equidistant time steps. - The Durbin-Watson test tests for autocorrelation at lag 1 but not for larger time lags. - The test statistic for this test is difficult to compute and is usually obtained from pre-calculated tables. References ---------- .. [durbin_1951] Durbin, J., & Watson, G. S. (1951). Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression. II. Biometrika, 38(1/2), 159-177. .. [Fahidy_2004] Fahidy, T. Z. (2004). On the Application of Durbin-Watson Statistics to Time-Series-Based Regression Models. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 38(1), 22-25. Examples -------- >>> data = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start=0, periods=1000, freq="D"), >>> data=np.random.rand(1000)) >>> result = ps.stats.durbin_watson(data) """ if not infer_freq(series.index): logger.warning( "The Durbin-Watson test should only be used for time series with " "equidistant time steps." ) rho = series.autocorr(lag=1) # Take the first value of the ACF dw_stat = 2 * (1 - rho) p = nan # NotImplementedYet return dw_stat, p
[docs]def ljung_box( series: Series, lags: int = 15, nparam: int = 0, full_output: bool = False ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Ljung-box test for autocorrelation. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series, optional series to calculate the autocorrelation for that is used in the Ljung-Box test. lags: int, optional The maximum lag to compute the Ljung-Box test statistic for. nparam: int, optional Number of calibrated parameters in the model. full_output: bool, optional Return the result of the test as a boolean (True) or not (False). Returns ------- q_stat: float The computed Q test statistic. pval: float The probability of the computed Q test statistic. Notes ----- The Ljung-Box test [Ljung_1978]_ tests the null-hypothesis that a time series are independently distributed up to a desired time lag $k$ and is computed as follows: .. math:: Q(k) = n (n + 2) \\sum_{k=1}^{h} \\frac{\\rho^2(k)}{n - k} where :math:`\\rho_k` is the autocorrelation at lag $k$, $h$ is the maximum lag used for calculation, and $n$ is the number of values in the noise series. The computed $Q$-statistic is then compared to a critical value computed from a :math:`\\chi^2_{\\alpha, h-p}` distribution with a significance level :math:`\\alpha` and $h-p$ degrees of freedom, where $h$ is the number of lags and $p$ the number of the noise model parameters. **Considerations for this test:** - The time series should have equidistant time steps. An adapted version of the Ljung-Box test is available through ps.stats.stoffer_toloi. - A potential problem of the Ljung-Box test is the low power of the test when testing for a large number of lags using a small sample size $n$. It has been suggested that suggested that :math:`k \\leq n/4` but also as low as :math:`k \\leq n/20`. If we are using daily groundwater levels observations, and we want to test for autocorrelation for lags up to one year (365 days) this means that we need between 4 and ten years of data. References ---------- .. [Ljung_1978] Ljung, G. and Box, G. (1978). On a Measure of Lack of Fit in Time Series Models, Biometrika, 65, 297-303. Examples -------- >>> res = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start=0, periods=1000, freq="D"), >>> data=np.random.rand(1000)) >>> stat, p = ps.stats.ljung_box(res, lags=15) >>> if p > alpha: >>> print("Failed to reject the Null-hypothesis, no significant" >>> "autocorrelation. p =", p.round(2)) >>> else: >>> print("Reject the Null-hypothesis. p =", p.round(2)) See Also -------- pastas.stats.acf This method is called to compute the autocorrelation function. pastas.stats.stoffer_toloi Similar method but adapted for time series with missing data. """ if not infer_freq(series.index): logger.warning( "Caution: The Ljung-Box test should only be used for time series with " "equidistant time steps. Consider using ps.stats.stoffer_toloi instead." ) acf = get_acf(series, lags=lags, bin_method="regular") nobs = series.index.size # Drop zero-lag from the acf and drop nan-values as k > 0 acf = acf.drop(0, errors="ignore").dropna() lags = arange(1, len(acf) + 1) q_stat = nobs * (nobs + 2) * cumsum(acf.values**2 / (nobs - lags)) dof = max(lags[-1] - nparam, 1) pval = chi2.sf(q_stat, df=dof) if full_output: result = DataFrame(data={"Q Stat": q_stat, "P-value": pval}, index=acf.index) return result else: return q_stat[-1], pval[-1]
[docs]def runs_test(series: Series, cutoff: str = "median") -> Tuple[float, float]: """Runs test for autocorrelation. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series Time series to test for autocorrelation. cutoff: str or float, optional String set to "mean", "median", or a float value to use as the cutoff. Returns ------- z_stat: float Runs test statistic. pval: float p-value for the test statistic, based on a normal distribution. Notes ----- Wald and Wolfowitz developed [wald_1943]_ developed a distribution free test ( i.e., no normal distribution is assumed) to test for autocorrelation. This test is also appropriate for non-equidistant time steps in the residuals time series. The Null-hypothesis is that the residual time series is a random sequence of positive and negative values. The alternative hypothesis is that they are non-random. The test statistic is computed as follows: .. math:: Z = \\frac{R-\\bar{R}}{\\sigma_R} where $R$ is the number of runs, :math:`\\bar{R}` the expected number of runs and :math:`\\sigma_R` the standard deviation of the number of runs. A run is defined as the number of sequences of exclusively positive and negative values in the time series. **Considerations for this test:** - Test is also applicable to time series with non-equidistant time steps. References ---------- .. [wald_1943] Wald, A., & Wolfowitz, J. (1943). An exact test for randomness in the non-parametric case based on serial correlation. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 14(4), 378-388. Examples -------- >>> res = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start=0, periods=1000, freq="D"), >>> data=np.random.rand(1000)) >>> stat, pval = ps.stats.runs_test(res) >>> if p > alpha: >>> print("Failed to reject the Null-hypothesis, no significant" >>> "autocorrelation. p =", p.round(2)) >>> else: >>> print("Reject the Null-hypothesis") """ # Make dichotomous sequence r = series.copy().to_numpy() if cutoff == "mean": cutoff = r.mean() elif cutoff == "median": cutoff = median(r) elif isinstance(cutoff, float): pass else: msg = """Cutoff criterion %s is not implemented. Cutoff should be 'mean', 'median', or a float value.""" logger.error(msg, cutoff) raise NotImplementedError(msg % cutoff) r[r > cutoff] = 1 r[r < cutoff] = 0 # Calculate number of positive and negative noise n_pos = r.sum() n_neg = r.size - n_pos # Calculate the number of runs runs = r[1:] - r[0:-1] n_runs = sum(abs(runs)) + 1 # Calculate the expected number of runs and the standard deviation n_neg_pos = 2.0 * n_neg * n_pos n_runs_exp = n_neg_pos / (n_neg + n_pos) + 1 n_runs_std = (n_neg_pos * (n_neg_pos - n_neg - n_pos)) / ( (n_neg + n_pos) ** 2 * (n_neg + n_pos - 1) ) # Calculate Z-statistic and pvalue z_stat = (n_runs - n_runs_exp) / sqrt(n_runs_std) pval = 2 * norm.sf(abs(z_stat)) return z_stat, pval
[docs]def stoffer_toloi( series: Series, lags: int = 15, nparam: int = 0, freq: str = "D", snap_to_equidistant_timestamps: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Adapted Ljung-Box test to deal with missing data [stoffer_1992]_. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series Time series to compute the adapted Ljung-Box statistic for. lags: int, optional the number of lags to compute the statistic for. Only lags for which a correlation is computed are used. nparam: int, optional Number of parameters of the noisemodel. freq: str, optional String with the frequency to resample the time series to. snap_to_equidistant_timestamps : bool, optional if False (default), a sample is taken from series with equidistant timesteps using pandas' reindex. Only values are kept that lie on those equidistant timestamps. If True, an equidistant time series is created taking as many values as possible from the original series which are then snapped to the nearest equidistant timestamp. Returns ------- qm: float Adapted Ljung-Box test statistic. pval: float p-value for the test statistic, based on a chi-squared distribution. Notes ----- Stoffer and Toloi [stoffer_1992]_ extended the Ljung-Box test to also work with missing data. The test statistic is computed as follows: .. math :: Q_k = n^2 \\sum_{k=1}^{h} \\frac{\\hat{\\rho}_k^2}{n-k} where :math:`\\hat{\\rho}_k` is the autocorrelation for lag $k$. When the residual time series have non-equidistant time steps it is recommended to use this test over the original Ljung-Box test. The Stoffer-Toloi test is strictly an adapted version of the Ljung-Box test to deal with missing data in a time series and not a time series with non-equidistant time steps. This means that the time series is updated to an equidistant time series by filling nan-values. **Considerations for this test:** - Test is also applicable to irregular time series. - The time step has to be chosen (e.g., Days). This should not be smaller than the smallest time step or the test will most likely fail to reject $H_0$ anyway. References ---------- .. [stoffer_1992] Stoffer, D. S., & Toloi, C. M. (1992). A note on the Ljung—Box—Pierce stoffer_toloi statistic with missing data. Statistics & probability letters, 13(5), 391-396. Examples -------- >>> data= pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start=0, periods=1000, freq="D"), >>> data=np.random.rand(1000)) >>> stat, p = ps.stats.stoffer_toloi(noise, lags=15, freq="D") >>> if p > alpha: >>> print("Failed to reject the Null-hypothesis, no significant" >>> "autocorrelation. p =", p.round(2)) >>> else: >>> print("Reject the Null-hypothesis") See Also -------- pastas.timeseries_utils.get_equidistant_series_nearest """ if snap_to_equidistant_timestamps: # create equidistant time series snapping values from the original series to # the nearest equidistant timestamp. No values are duplicated and data loss # is minimized. s = get_equidistant_series_nearest(series, freq, minimize_data_loss=True) else: # get equidistant sample from original time series, checks which time offset # is the most common to maximize the number of values taken from the original # series. t_offset = _get_time_offset(series.index, freq).value_counts().idxmax() new_idx = date_range( series.index[0].floor(freq) + t_offset, series.index[-1].floor(freq) + t_offset, freq=freq, ) s = series.reindex(new_idx) # warn if more than 10% of data is lost in sample if s.dropna().index.size < (0.9 * series.dropna().index.size): msg = ( "While selecting equidistant values from series with `as_freq` more " "than 10 %% of values were dropped. Consider setting " "`make_equidistant` to True." ) logger.warning(msg) nobs = s.size z = (s - s.mean()).fillna(0.0) y = z.to_numpy() yn = s.notna().to_numpy() dz0 = (y**2).sum() / nobs da0 = (yn**2).sum() / nobs de0 = dz0 / da0 # initialize, compute all correlation up to one year. nlags = 365 # Hard-coded for now dz = zeros(nlags) da = zeros(nlags) de = zeros(nlags) for i in range(0, nlags): hh = y[: -i - 1] * y[i + 1 :] dz[i] = hh.sum() / nobs hh = yn[: -i - 1] * yn[i + 1 :] da[i] = hh.sum() / (nobs - i - 1) if abs(da[i]) > finfo(float).eps: de[i] = dz[i] / da[i] re = de / de0 # remove correlation where no observations are available (de = 0) da = da[re != 0][:lags] re = re[re != 0][:lags] k = arange(1, len(re) + 1) # Compute the Q-statistic qm = nobs**2 * sum(da * re**2 / (nobs - k)) dof = max(len(k) - nparam, 1) pval = chi2.sf(qm, df=dof) return qm, pval
[docs]def diagnostics( series: Series, alpha: float = 0.05, nparam: int = 0, lags: int = 15, stats: tuple = (), float_fmt: str = "{0:.2f}", ) -> DataFrame: """Methods to compute various diagnostics checks for a time series. Parameters ---------- series: pandas.Series Time series to compute the diagnostics for. alpha: float, optional significance level to use for the hypothesis testing. nparam: int, optional Number of parameters of the noisemodel. lags: int, optional Maximum number of lags (in days) to compute the autocorrelation tests for. stats: tuple, optional Tuple with the diagnostic checks to perform. Not implemented yet. float_fmt: str String to use for formatting the floats in the returned DataFrame. Returns ------- df: Pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with the information for the diagnostics checks. The final column in this DataFrame report if the Null-Hypothesis is rejected. If H0 is not rejected (=False) the data is in agreement with one of the properties of white noise (e.g., normally distributed). Notes ----- Different tests are computed depending on the regularity of the time step of the provided time series. pd.infer_freq is used to determined if the time steps are regular. Examples -------- >>> data = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start=0, periods=1000, freq="D"), >>> data=np.random.rand(1000)) >>> ps.stats.diagnostics(data) Out[0]: Checks Statistic P-value Reject H0 Shapiroo Normality 1.00 0.86 False D'Agostino Normality 1.18 0.56 False Runs test Autocorr. -0.76 0.45 False Durbin-Watson Autocorr. 2.02 nan False Ljung-Box Autocorr. 5.67 1.00 False In this example, the Null-hypothesis is not rejected and the data may be assumed to be white noise. """ cols = ["Checks", "Statistic", "P-value"] df = DataFrame(index=stats, columns=cols) # Shapiroo-Wilk test for Normality stat, p = shapiro(series) df.loc["Shapiroo", cols] = "Normality", stat, p # D'Agostino test for Normality stat, p = normaltest(series) df.loc["D'Agostino", cols] = "Normality", stat, p # Runs test for autocorrelation stat, p = runs_test(series) df.loc["Runs test", cols] = "Autocorr.", stat, p # Do different tests depending on time step if infer_freq(series.index): # Ljung-Box test for autocorrelation stat, p = ljung_box(series, nparam=nparam, lags=lags) df.loc["Ljung-Box", cols] = "Autocorr.", stat, p # Durbin-Watson test for autocorrelation stat, p = durbin_watson(series) df.loc["Durbin-Watson", cols] = "Autocorr.", stat, p else: # Stoffer-Toloi for autocorrelation stat, p = stoffer_toloi(series, nparam=nparam, lags=lags) df.loc["Stoffer-Toloi", cols] = "Autocorr.", stat, p df["Reject H0 ($\\alpha$={:.2f})".format(alpha)] = df.loc[:, "P-value"] < alpha df.loc[:, "P-value"] = df.loc[:, "P-value"].apply(float_fmt.format) df.loc[:, "Statistic"] = df.loc[:, "Statistic"].apply(float_fmt.format) return df