This module contains methods to compute the groundwater signatures. Part of the signatures selection is based on the work of Heudorfer et al. [2019].
Lag where the autocorrelation function exceeds a cut-off value. |
Average seasonal fluctuation after Martens et al. [2013]. |
Base level index (BLI) adapted after Organization [2008]. |
Baselevel stability after Heudorfer et al. [2019]. |
Bimodality coefficient after Ellison [1987]. |
Colwells constancy index after Colwell [1974]. |
Colwell's contingency Colwell [1974] |
Coefficient of variation of the date of annual maximum head. |
Coefficient of variation of the date of annual minimum head. |
Coefficient of Variation in fall rate. |
Coefficient of variation of the mean head over a period (default monthly). |
Coefficient of Variation in rise rate. |
Compute the average date of the maximum head value with circular statistics. |
Compute the average date of the minimum head value with circular statistics. |
Ratio of the head duration curve between the percentile l and u after Richards [1990]. |
Slope of the head duration curve between percentile l and u after Oudin et al. [2010]. |
Mean negative head changes from one day to the next. |
Average number of times the series exceeds a certain threshold per year. |
Average duration of pulses where the head exceeds a certain threshold. |
Interannual variation after Martens et al. [2013]. |
Average number of times the series exceeds a certain threshold per year. |
Average duration of pulses where the head is below a certain threshold. |
Difference between the minimum and maximum heads, divided by the minimum head adapted after Hannah et al. [2000]. |
Mean of annual maximum head after Clausen and Biggs [2000]. |
Parde seasonality according to Pardé [1933], adapted for heads. |
Recession constant adapted after Kirchner [2009]. |
Recovery constant after Kirchner [2009]. |
Average annual number of rises and falls in daily head. |
Coefficient of Variation in annual number of rises and falls. |
The path length of the time series, standardized by time series length after Baker et al. [2004]. |
Mean of positive head changes from one day to the next. |
Method to get many signatures for a time series. |