
class TarsoModel(prec, evap, oseries=None, dmin=None, dmax=None, rfunc=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Stressmodel simulating the effect of recharge using the Tarso method.

  • prec (pandas.Series) – pandas.Series with pandas.DatetimeIndex containing the precipitation series.

  • evap (pandas.Series) – pandas.Series with pandas.DatetimeIndex containing the potential evaporation series.

  • oseries (pandas.Series, optional) – A pandas.Series with pandas.DatetimeIndex of observations to which the model will be calibrated. It is used to determine the initial values of the drainage levels and the boundaries of the upper drainage level. Specify either oseries or dmin and dmax.

  • dmin (float, optional) – The minimum drainage level. It is used to determine the initial values of the drainage levels and the lower boundary of the upper drainage level. Specify either oseries or dmin and dmax.

  • dmax (float, optional) – The maximum drainage level. It is used to determine the initial values of the drainage levels and the upper boundary of the upper drainage level. Specify either oseries or dmin and dmax.

  • rfunc (pastas.rfunc instance) – this model only works with the Exponential response function.

See also



The Threshold autoregressive self-exciting open-loop (Tarso) model Knotters and Gooijer [1999] is nonlinear in structure because it incorporates two regimes which are separated by a threshold. This model method can be used to simulate a groundwater system where the groundwater head reaches the surface or drainage level in wet conditions. TarsoModel uses two drainage levels, with two exponential response functions. When the simulation reaches the second drainage level, the second response function becomes active. Because of its structure, TarsoModel cannot be combined with other stress models, a constant or a transform. TarsoModel inherits from RechargeModel. Only parameters specific to the child class are named above.






Determine in how many time series the contribution can be split.


Get parameters and return as array.


Method to obtain the settings of the stresses.


Method to obtain the recharge stress calculated by the model.


Method to obtain the water balance components.


Internal method to set the initial parameters.


Method to simulate the contribution of recharge to the head.


Calculates the head based on exponential decay of the previous timestep and recharge, using two thresholds.


Method to export the TarsoModel object.


Method to update the settings of the all stresses in the stress model.