This module contains all the stress models available in Pastas.
Stress models are used to translate an input time series into contribution that explains (part of) the output series.
>>> sm = ps.StressModel(stress, rfunc=ps.Gamma(), name="sm1")
>>> ml.add_stressmodel(stressmodel=sm)
See also
Model where the response function changes from one to another over time. |
A constant value that is added to the time series model. |
Stressmodel that simulates a linear trend. |
Stressmodel simulating the effect of groundwater recharge on the head. |
Stressmodel that simulates a step trend. |
Stress model convoluting a stress with a response function. |
StressModel Base class called by each StressModel object. |
Stressmodel simulating the effect of recharge using the Tarso method. |
Convolution of one or more stresses with a single scaled response function. |